Ever since I was a little boy I have had a bad relationship with my teeth. There, I
said it, it’s a fact, My earliest memories are visiting the dentist on Sydenham
High St Dr Wright I believe. Nice enough guy, funny mop of a haircut and a big
moustache.. Open wiiiiiide!
I had the occasional filling, and recall this was always done without anaesthetic,
I was always confused when people said about having injections for theirs. That
nasty metallic taste in your mouth regardless of what they were doing. Rinse
and spit!
At some point I went to Kings College dental hospital and had 4 of my back teeth
out to make room for my teeth to move, so my teeth could be straightened. Alas,
that was probably the last meaningful action I had carried out, as no braces
ever materialised, and I was blighted with a big ol’ buck tooth at the front.
Throughout my childhood, and into my young adult life, all pictures of me are
with a closed mouth smile.
Sadly this poor relationship with my mouth continued and my oral
maintenance became worse and worse. In my early 20s I was having more
extractions from decay and toothache, and so the spiral continued
Looking back through my photos on Facebook and from holidays in my 30s, 40s
and into my 50s I have never been much of a smiler. Part of that is being a
grumpy git, and the other part is hating my teeth to the point its easier to just
grin at best. Until now…
Recently, with the change of job, the boost in confidence, and the wish to give
myself a fighting chance as I get older, I have decided to do something about it.
Something rather drastic in fact, and dare I say fuckin expensive tool We are
talking 5 digits before decimal points here.
I will go more into detail, probably over on my other blog, but wanted to note it
here. After all it will hopefully have quite a profound effect on my mental
health as well as my oral and physical health.
I have dates all booked for the build up to the start of the procedures, and a date
for surgery booked, Time off work is also booked to allow healing and settling,
SO it is all rather exciting. After 51 year, I am getting all I want for Xmas……..My
two front teeth (and then some)