Time to go home.

This time always sucks, facing up to the realities of life, responsibilities and commitments. Its all those things that I so frequently want to escape, and I guess over recent months have probably done this a little too often. But right now, with everything the way it is, it just feels the right thing to do.

Debt mounting, mum worsening, work looking less and less favourable (understandably), but all makes a pretty grim life to go back to.

All that said and done, once I hop on the train and start heading towards home a transformation will begin, and by the time I arrive home, I will be someone else, and begin living my normal life.

News on the wires is that mum is still getting worse, so if nothing else, that's the reason to get back. And of course to see my beautiful dogs 🙂

The journey begins NOW!

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