Category: snack

Join the healthy revolution

So I ignored the talk about Graze for ages, then finally took a look, and was shocked.
Expecting nothing but seeds and rice cakes I was surprised to see the range of nibbles on offer, for those wanting healthy intake to those wanting their 5 a day but have a sweet tooth, there is something for everyone.

Don’t believe me? Take a look yourself at, enter the promo code on the site and get your first box absolutely free, and a second half price, a whacking £1.70 delivered!
You can choose from a wide range of yummy snacks, and cancel any time, commitment free.

And the best part, I get £1 off my next order, just for you getting your box FREE! Talk about win-win!

So, promo code 1XL4VNP is all you need to feed us both for literally nothing.

Nom Nom Nom!

I have a new love in my life. Protikee Museli and Yoghurt bars.
Never liked the sound of the combo before but my god they are nice.
Thank you Protikee for keeping the ideas fresh to help me stay interested in dieting.

Weight is falling off. I am probably going to do another week on this, then get into a mixed regime.

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