Category: weightloss

So frustrated with weight!

I don’t get it, I am doing everything I have ever done in the past to lose weight, in fact, I might go so far as to say, more! But nothing, I drop a chunk of pounds, then just sit there stuck at a number.

At the moment it is low 240s (lbs). I am cycling 100+ miles a week, running three times a week, eating clean for the most part. Saturated fat intake super low, protein intake good, calorie intake is in deficit to burn almost every day.

The issue is two pronged. Firstly, I don’t like being this over weight, the numbers are too high, weight, waist measurement etc. It doesn’t look good, doesn’t feel good, and I know I can do better.
Secondly there are the physical impacts. Cycling I can do, running I can do, cycling up above average gradients kills be (as I found out yesterday, and stairs leave me a little breathless.

Recovery is great however, moments after the higher impact demand on my body, my HR drops, breathing settles, and I am able to resume normal activities. Ironically recovery used to be a weakness for me, but now its great. Just a shame about the rest.

100 mile ride, not too big a deal, managing to churn the miles out with no ill effect. Throw a few bigger hills in my way and suddenly (more recently) I struggle. Looking back a year or so, I was riding up Spanish hills in stupid heat, and while not perfection, it was more than doable. Now, meh!

So with all that in mind, what the hell is wrong. I don’t want to go off down the “it’s medical” route,I doubt very much it is. So what on earth is stopping the progress. Have I hit the wall, is this just a really slow and frustrating phase, or has my physiology changed, meaning I need a new approach. Time marches on and all that.

One of the difficulties I face is scheduling. I know I make life a bit of a rush at times, and possibly take on more than I can manage. By that I mean my own things, day to day stuff. Trying to fit in riding, running, commuting, working, a home life, seems a bit of a faff at times. Only this week have I managed to catch up with the weeks to match my running training. Running weeks have spread across calendar weeks where I have not managed to keep up.

So here we are on a Sunday, end of Week 3 of run training, now in sync with the calendar. Good miles so far on the bike this week too, with a combination of commuting and riding.

Another of my issues is obsessing about miles. Healthy or unhealthy, probably the latter. Seeing milestones within reach drives me to push harder than I possibly should. With a healthy annual goal of 4,250 miles, achieving it should not be too hard with the daily commute included. However, seeing the first 1,000 coming up , I pushed to get into four figures ASAP. 1,075 and I would be a quarter of the way into my goal etc. With only a few obvious goals it was fine, but now I am digging for statistics of my previous years, and obsessing about surpassing them in style. So much so, that after 146 days of the year, I am just over 100 miles away from reaching 3,000 miles so far! At 2,875 so far, my mind is saying do 25 today, then I only have 100 to do next week to hit 3,000.

At first glance, to some, that is not actually massive mileage, however, its the rest days that are probably my weakness. This is possibly where the whole thing is falling apart for me. Any healthy regime requires rest. But what is rest, and how much total rest vs “taking it easy” do I need? If I ride the easiest route to and from work, with low effort, is that enough to call it resting? Or do I need to take a strict DO NO EXERCISE day weekly, to allow my body to play catch up? It is all so confusing,

The last time I lost weight in bulk, I was not really cycling. If anything I was just starting out with occasional rides, and much more running. 4-5 times a week, improving in fitness all the time. Now, I commute daily, taking the longer way into work, equalling about 100 miles a week of cycling on my single speed.  Then, to get any fun rides in, I ride at the weekends on one of the road bikes, to get some air, light up my heat map, and tick off hills on the 100 Climbs list.
So am I over doing it with the cycling?

In reality I know I could do with more structure, could probably do with a proper nutrition review, wean myself off fizzy drinks, which can get a bit much at times. But with all that in mind, surely I should still be losing weight? Shouldn’t I? I mean, at least a pound or two a week?

That is where it loops back around to medical. While I don’t think it can be anything, I can’t rule it out.

So right now, I am frustrated! I need to get my head around it, before it gets itself around my head.

Stats at the moment are

Day 146
Active days 122 (rest 24)
2,875 miles ridden
Longest ride 102 miles
Longest streak 49 days

Ideally I need to remain commuting, but I guess I could cut the miles down, a bit at least.
3 days of run training a week, C2-10K so 30-45 mins per session.
A bit of training on the bike, probably at home, few hours a week.
And finally, get some floor work, stretching and yoga in, to maintain general well being.

Is that too much?

I know, I will draw up a written plan!
Right, enough thinking aloud, time to get something written up to start making things a little more structured.

Get a grip !

That is what I am repeating to myself over and over recently. It is becoming very frustrating seeing myself gaining weight, knowing what I need to do to control it. Then promising myself that I will take control back…………… And failing, badly!

As pointed out by a friend last week, my weight and body shape is something that has changed for better and worse numerous times over the past decade for example. It isn’t a conscious decision to do so, but more dictated by my varying levels of health and self control. Not to mention my mental state at any given time.
Determined and dedicated, I can make huge changes in short periods of time, with seemingly very little effort. But when doom and gloom strike, it all goes to shit. I can’t say I am particularly filled with doom right now, but I am certainly lacking willpower or even just plain old will!

T-shirts are getting tighter around the tummy again, yet arms and legs are looking good. Strange old body I have here, but one I need to get under control and fast.
Each week I say the old famous “next week”. Then I binge all weekend as a final blowout, then fail to start. Each time it happens I beat myself up about it, and promise myself, next week…. See the cycle here?

There is no real excuse. I have a little man cave full of equipment to use, I have a bit of knowledge in training. Certainly enough to make a difference in my appearance. I can eat clean when I want to and am determined enough. But right now, none of that seems to matter, and I am doing nothing about the situation.

I should point out at this point that, having failed to motivate myself, I am  now trying to borderline embarrass myself into getting my shit together. Publicly announcing that I am failing myself, and trying to make a declaration of commitment to getting healthy again. This isn’t a public cry for help as such. But please feel free to abuse me, or cheer me on, whichever you decide would be most effective.

My average weight varies +/- 30 or sol pounds. I have gone further both ways in the past, but most still maintain that at my lightest in years I looked borderline ill. My average weight surprises some people still, but it’s a number I have become accustomed to these days.

For years my training ethos has been heavy and hard. Building muscle mass at quite a rate, making fitting into some clothes a challenge. That said, my physio pointed out a month ago that I have lost a large amount of muscle mass around my back, which surprisingly is a good thing for me. My words, not hers. Very noticeable for me when putting on wetsuits and scuba gear for sure.  The only downside to this is the loss has coincided with my loss of willpower, and the gaining around the waist.

In fairness to me (yes, excuse time) with recent issues with my achillies and glutes all coming to a head, and now seeing a second physio about the issues, I am mentally off my game in the name of self preservation, and physically off my game due to training limitations. That said, it’s no excuse.

As I was saying, my training ethos, for years has been heavy, but I am slowly coming around to the fact that I am needing to tone more than build these days. Burn fat, and lose size, rather than build muscle and gain size. Contrary to my own beliefs, I’m apparently already quite large as muscle goes. With a GP exclaiming “oh my, you have huge arms, I mean HUGE arms” last year, I guess if someone who examines people daily says it, he must have a point.

I think this might actually be my folding point right now. I know how to train heavy, and obviously training lighter isn’t so different. But the feeling between the two is worlds apart. The failure point feels different, fatigue is a whole different game, and the sensation of making changes feels confusing. But I NEED to do it.  I also NEED to get more active again. I am still up silly o’clock daily and out with the dogs, but with the weather changing the dogs are getting out less with me. Trying to pace myself so not to aggravate my achillies or glutes is a chore too. I am a power walker, not a stroller. Walking slowly makes me feel like I am getting old, and I hate it. Being overtaken is NOT cool!

So here I sit, gym equipment behind me, cloud over my head. Thinking to myself “next week”, and really hoping that I am right this time. I need my mojo, I need that motivation and self discipline. I respect myself enough to care for myself. Now I just need to show it. Cut the crap eating, reduce intake, strip it all down, and for goodness sakes, WORK HARD !

I have a busy weekend ahead, but hopefully I will find the time to sit down with myself and get a training plan drawn up again. Not to high impact on my feet, allowing for morning stretches and physio too. Targeting my “soft” spots, and really taking things seriously again. I love feeling fitter than this, and heavens knows I like looking better than this. So now is the time…. Isn’t it?

Wish me luck, scoff, or just close this blog and wonder why you just read all of this. Whatever you do, hopefully I will be busy getting my shit together and sorting myself out once and for all. Or at least once again! I know a lot of the above is just convenient as an excuse, I don’t need telling to stop making them. I know as well as you that I am better than that. What I do know is that as much as an excuse as they are, they are also legitimate issues, but ones I can work around…. And I will !

Thanks for reading, and here’s to next week. Oh and me not having to write another one of these “HELP MEEEEE!” style entries for a while.

PS, I know a few highly critical friends of mine will be reading this. I value your opinions truly, admire you commitment to yourselves, and your ongoing ability to maintain. In fact I envy that.

“One day I will be great, until then, I will be determined.”

Fitness wishlist

As I have plodded through P90X, and I don’t mean with ease, I mean like knee deep mud, I have come across more and more things I would love to do. Simple things, maybe even one offs, just to prove to myself that I can do them. Things I have never been able to do in 39 years, but now maybe I can.
For starters there were simple actions, doing yoga was one of them, and I have fallen in love with it. Then there were some of the yoga poses, most of which I have conquered, but a couple still evade me. Crane is one of them. Mostly is the confidence I lack, but I know my wrists could be stronger too, so don’t want to run before I can walk.
Another was push-ups with a clap in the middle of the motion. I’m sure there is a name for them, but for now that’s what they are called, or clap push-ups for short lol. Well I can say now, that I have just ticked them off the ‘to-do’ list, and I did a little video of a few just to prove to myself I did them (I look a mess in the vid) Not perfect form I’m sure, and I know some can do millions of them. But for me, for the first time doing them in my life, I’m happy with them, so sod what anyone else thinks (if its negative anyway)
Of course the list has grown and grown over time, and the more into P90X I get, the more challenges I set myself. Another was feet to touch the floor from plough (yoga). Again this is another milestone I reached a few weeks back, however now I strive to get better upright posture, and to get my knees to the floor too. Sadly my kangaroo pouch is affecting this, so I’m working hard on eliminating that asap.
There are flexibility and strength challenges ahead of me, so here are a few more. So I can tick them off officially on here and not just accidentally achieve them and brag later.
Hand stand (supported)
Hand stand push-up (supported)
Splits (not box)
Clean full motion one handed push-ups
That’s a few to be getting on with.
As for training, well the achilles made a drastic recovery, so I got back on track today with X-Stretch and full dog walks. In addition I did a small push-up and abs routine this evening to burn off some energy. Next weekend sees Day60, so time for more pictures (sorry Blogger) and then the push to the first finish line. So far I have achieved more than I ever expected, and know if I really focus now, the last 30 will be truly amazing and life (body) changing for me.
In the meantime, I’m on the hunt for Tai Cheng to loosen me up a little more and work on my flexibility and range of motion.
Thanks for reading as ever.
Love life 🙂

BOOM! Sub 210lbs !

Well, as I said in the earlier entry there was motivation to walk the dogs, and the result was this picture.
Sub 210, and by quite some margin too I have to say. Officially putting me now in the 14 stone ‘something’ category. To me, that is major progress, and also a little consolation that I can’t train today.
Instead of resting up for a day or two, and losing motivation, I have just stoked up the fire for the next weigh in, and see how far I can get below 210 now.
Next question is, ‘is sub 200 a reality now?’
Let’s be clear here, I’m really not at the point of doing myself any damage, other than stupid things like my achillies. My intake is sensible, and sometimes even a little lavish now. The weight loss is progressive, and the routine is demanding yet effective.
Mixed in with all this weight loss is a little muscle gain too, so things are progressing nicely now.
Thanks for sharing my moment of glory with me 🙂

Welcome to Week 7, I’m BACK !

What can I tell you. Week 6 so me smash into ‘the wall’, but that was soon overcome. A mental block not a physical one was never going to stand in my way for long. Once it was dealt with and dispatched it was time to get on with a hard week ahead. Needless to say, I maintained the momentum I used to smash through the wall, and used it to carry me through the remainder of the week.
However there was one HUGE negative for the week, and that was intake. It was terrible, shocking and very poor to say the least. I wont say it impacted me too badly, there was no weight gain and no issues with training. However I got caught up in a treat cycle and has way too many treats and cheat foods. It was something I was aware that I was doing wrong, and now it is time to overcome and conquer.

So this is my intake for the coming weeks.

Obviously I will be eating more than this, but this is the bulk of it.

This week, Week 7 is the week where I start to make a real difference to myself. My intake is back on track, although quite controversial as some do not feel it offers the right nutrients to support my routine, while others think it is too junk filled. For me, I feel I have found the right balance to get me through a heavy workout, and aid weight-loss and muscle growth too. Inside and out all seems to be working well to me, so based on that I will keep going with what I know best.
In addition to this there is now the option of Creatine. I have used it before, and know what the gains are, and also what the downsides are. There has been a lot of good and bad press about the stuff over the years, but for me there were never any harsh effects. My patience can be a little shorter, and I pee a lot more on it. But other than that there was never anything to worry about for me. The interesting part will be how much MORE I can actually pee. With my current diet, and increased fluid intake, I dont think it can get much worse, but time will tell.
The upsides however, judging by the past, were always positive. Excellent recovery times, good muscle growth, and plenty of energy. These are all of course based on me training in a much more aggressive fashion and back some 15-18 years now lol. So things might have changed a little bit in my physical capabilities etc. So with this all in mind I am going to start stacking up on Creatine from tomorrow, and watching for any differences in my personality and training ability in the coming weeks. By the end of the stacking week I will be finished with the heavier part of P90X Phase 2, and will be back on to the stretch cycle. Phase 2 Week 4. So my use of it will be gentle from the start, and a gradual build up as I slip into Phase 3 of the routine. Another exciting step for me.

Speaking of exciting steps and stretch week, I finally caught on camera where I am with Yoga at the moment. One of the greatest achievements for me during P90X without a doubt it the improvement in flexibility. It is something I have always lacked, but always wanted to improve on, but I have never gotten around to doing anything about it. However as part of the P90X routine, I was finally facing a good attempt at Yoga. I have to say, of all the yoga videos I have tried in the past this is without a doubt the easiest to follow, the best thought out and the one I have managed to get up to speed with, while avoiding frustration and getting the feeling of failure. So without any further ado, here is my current stage.

Now I know its not ground breaking, and some who do yoga will scoff that its not anything spectacular. However for me, a shoulder stand is a feat in itself, let alone the added flexibility to get my legs where they are.  But it doesnt stop there for me. Now I have seen what I can do, I want more. Next step, knees down, lets see if I can get that done in the coming weeks.

Wow this entry is dragging on a bit isnt it. I guess I should wrap it up there.
Only things left to say are well done to Noel and Marsha who are working off each other as they work through Insanity. Also Baljit who is fighting her way into Insanity too. Ed who is doing his own thing but making good ground, and finally to Ivan and Laura who are making the most of the gym and fighting for fitness.
So heres to the final weeks of Phase 2, and getting things in order.

OMG I’m gonna explode!

Just finished lunch, and have to say, over recent days it feels like I have over indulged a little. Few hundred grams of chicken, fresh veggies, a jacket spud (small one) and a bread roll.
Phew, I feel like I have just finished a pie eating contest (those were the days)

I have to say though, recent days have involved a lot of walking, many miles, so I'm burning off the calories. And of course after todays run I can afford another 5-6 calories intake lol. All that said, just for laughs I got on the scales earlier, after breakfast and a few drinks (and going to the loo) and was shocked to see that even dressed in lounging clothes (joggers and tshirt) I'm still only 211lbs. Which probably equates to about 206-207 tops for a normal weigh in. So now I am intrigued to know what my dry weight is, so will have to check it in the morning.

Bad as it is, I have not touched the diet packs really since my last delivery, but the food I'm choosing for my daily intake certainly seems to agree with me, and is helping maintain, if not lose a little more weight.

To think, if I cut out or replaced either my morning cereal or my evening porridge, I could still be losing at quite a good rate. Or even cut out the lunch time bread roll, which I will be doing by the end of the week (I will have run out lol)

All in all, I'm shocked at how well I have done, and pleased that the route I have taken this time seems somewhat more natural. The daily intake neither feels too little, nor boring. So its more than sustainable.

Part of me wants to drop below 200lbs again, but the sensible part of me knows I'm good where I am now, and just need to focus on the health side of things from now on.

So that was a boring update to read I bet, but for once I'm chuffed to bits.

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Phew, I’m pooped!

What a great start to the day. For starters when I woke up this morning, my eyes were just not interest in getting up, and refused to open. Eventually time and necessity got the better of me, so I got up. Just in time for the postie to deliver something I have been waiting for. My LED spotlights for the light unit in my bedroom.

Unwrapped and installed within seconds…… And they are utter shit! Flash bright then go very dim, which is not use to me. Then to add insult to injury, as I tried to remove one of them, it fell apart. Needless to say I have contacted the seller and am awaiting a reply to see what they wanna do about it. Lesson learned, cheap LED bulbs are NOT worth it!

Then it was dog walking time. Getting it in asap, as mum had a nurse coming late morning. Progress was good, about half a mile from home I got word that the nurse would be home very soon…. So started running. Ran the half mile home only to find that the nurse was already there and in. Tuvaaq was in the kitchen. So that was a waste of energy lol, but a nice run all the same.

Sorry to the people startled by seeing Aana running up the road, I was getting some rather strange looks to say the least. Feels good to push yourself from time to time though I have to say.

Next up, once the carer has been, its off to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for mum. Another day with lots of walking, seems like they are never ending recently. My intake has gone up a little to allow for this, but not sure where that leaves me weight wise. I am definatly losing more size as clothes are getting looser and looser (and not stretching to match my girth! Lol)

I might have a low intake day in the next day or two and a weigh in to see where I am with weight. Just out of curiosity more than anything. I am happy with my health improvement, that's the main thing. As I said before the next step is toning, and I really must get my finger out and get on with that. Talk is cheap! Time to knuckle down and get on with it. Starting with abs and tri's.

In fact, as soon as I'm back from the walk to the pharmacy, I'm going to do a bit of each, and get this show on the road.

Other than that, life is pretty dull. Thankfully mum has stabilised for the time being. Still a little confused about a few things, but trying harder to eat and drink etc. Still loves to moan and huff about things too.

Just a quick mention to Kim who is in hospital. Hope its not a long stay for you hun, and I will be up asap to see you 🙂 x


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The week of food ahead.

Thank you once again to the wonderful world of Protikee, aka The Kee Diet, for their supplies package which arrived prompt this morning. Packed full of both my favourites and some new bits to try during the week ahead. Including a couple of packs of their new Maltester style snacks, gratis for my birthday (thanks guys)

Now I am around my goal weight, its more about maintaining and adjusting to my new intake. With a variety of Total loss, and weight control products this week, some new flavours of bars included in the line-up. This weeks plan is maybe a shake in the morning, along with my usual 2-3 pints of fluids. Some chicken breast for lunch (a £5 frozen roast joint from Tesco lasts 5 days), some porridge early evening, and then a bar or hot chocolate at night. Bars are also there for snacks if needed throughout the day, due to the amount of activity walking the dogs etc.

I have to say, after yesterdays birthday blowout, I have never been happier to be back on meal replacements. Going back to food reminds me how much slower you feel while digesting a meal etc. So I think I have found a happy medium with the mix of Kee and foods. Just got to keep the ideas fresh now.

So this is me saying urrrgh to over rated heavy food, and yay to nice light on the stomach stuff. Chicken and porridge rock!

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Nom Nom Nom!

I have a new love in my life. Protikee Museli and Yoghurt bars.
Never liked the sound of the combo before but my god they are nice.
Thank you Protikee for keeping the ideas fresh to help me stay interested in dieting.

Weight is falling off. I am probably going to do another week on this, then get into a mixed regime.

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Late Lunch.

Phew, I have been so rushed off my feet I almost didn't have time for lunch. So early tea or late lunch… Yum!

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