Category: motivation

Depression vs laziness.

Laying in bed this morning, like a petulant child refusing to get up for school, I got thinking.
As I lay there, with the fan on, cool breeze, and just moving from one comfortable position to another, I thought back to a few months ago when my reasoning for laying in bed was quite different.

This led to a deeper thought on the matter, and quite frankly spoilt the moment, but was worth it.
A few months back, each morning I would wake, filled with doom and gloom. No good reason to get out of bed, and dreading what awaited me when I did. So for as long as I could, I would find excuses not to get up and start the day.
Raining, can’t walk the dogs, being my favourite, however there were plenty more, from convincing myself I was too tired and needed more sleep, to deciding I ached in some way or form and should rest. The depressed mind is full of excuses!

Today however, and the last week or two have been different. I have instead basked in the “life if good” bed of laziness. Like a carefree bachelor with no plan for the day, I just wake and enjoy the moment. Rather than avoiding things, I schedule them in my mind, allowing just enough time to complete the required tasks of the day, whilst making the most of relaxing in bed.
Now I am not going to say that is an every day ideal, it really isn’t. But I have to say it is nice to have the option, and to feel in control of it.

I am not scared to get up, nor of what lays in wait day to day. And that is a huge departure from the feelings of depression I fought for the first few months of this year, and previously.

So, with that in mind, I now understand the confusion and misinterpretation people have. When a depressed person says “I just can’t get out of bed in the morning” and the person who has not experienced it says “Oh I know what you mean, I get like that”. While I appreciate the attempt at empathy, there is a huge difference between being unwilling to get up and get the day started, feeling lazy and unmotivated, and the feeling of being trapped in your bed, covers tucked in, with no way out. Your mind refusing to let you out of the safety and numbness of your bed, to protect you from the day of dread and terror which awaits you.

It sounds far fetched I know, but the mind can play lots of tricks with you, and ultimately controls your actions.So when it says “we are NOT getting up today”, you pretty much obey. When you think, I have nothing to do this morning, I am gonna have a lay in, its a choice.

In between these two stages, there is another I have been experiencing recently, and that is reluctantly staying in bed. Through illness or injury, I have spent a lot of time in bed in the past month too, resting my back and hips (most of the time), and fighting off a fever. Waking knowing your mind is happy for you to get out of bed, but this time it is your body, and having to make the reluctant choice to stay in bed, even though you have the mental capacity to be up doing things is quite a kick in the balls, especially when bouncing back from being trapped already.

I guess it is this stage which has spurned this entry more than anything. The line between both ends of the mental spectrum is indeed physical. Prohibiting activity, and leaving you to decide how much you care about resting and recovering. For once fighting the mental drive to get out of bed shows me that I have a lot of choice about my daily actions, and only when I am truly crushed by depression do I lose all control over my life.

That is a powerful message to me, and a reminder that without any visible signs, every drop of energy, drive and hope can be torn from you, and leave you as just an empty carcass of a person, just along for the ride.

I really do hope even just one person who knows these three stages reads this, just so I know I am not the only one who recognises them.
So, next time someone says they just can’t get out of bed, imagine it as a physical injury, and give their feelings the same consideration you would if you saw them in a body cast, or with legs in plaster. The mind controls every movement we make, if it says no, the answer is simply NO. Even if you don’t understand why.

In a minute

My most frequent answer to most things right now. Get an idea, or realise something needs doing. Consider when to do it, and the answer comes out as “in a minute”. Of course that minute never seems to come, and periodically you realise the list of things you want or need to do is ever growing. Growing to the point in fact where it is now becoming an organisational nightmare, so much so that all the ideas and needs now contained in the list are abandoned as too much effort…. And the list starts over.

Anything from moving an object from one room to another, right through to getting a much bigger job done. Most jobs appearing on the list are small and easy to complete, 5 mins tops. But for some reason, the idea of getting up and committing to getting it done is just one step too far outside the comfortable cocoon of safety I am currently shacked up in. I say shacked up not locked up as I know I can do them if I can just get my mind in the right place. Which happens from time to time, but not enough right now.

That minute I keep waiting for needs to be now. Well I say now, but I am actually a bit busy doing nothing at the moment, so will get to it soon instead. But here is my commitment to getting a few things done today.

Now for my excuse list…
It’s raining. Therefore I can’t walk the dogs, and if I don’t walk the dogs, the start to my daily routine is upset already. Without that part, comes lethargy, and with that comes huge demotivation. In turn, sitting around leads to lots of thinking, or at least trying to, and from there a daily spiral begins.
Of course I can go for a walk without the dogs to get the machine in motion, but today I failed to do that, leading to a bit of an AM slump. So need to make the PM count, and get some chores lined up.

The next excuse is the tattoo. Stiff leg, discomfort getting moving, so it gave me my excuse this morning not to go for the walk, As does the want to keep the leg rested the best I can to aid healing, so again, great excuse to do naf all. In my mind at least.

The annoying thing is, a lot of things I have to do have specific windows of opportunity, and to miss them is basically punching myself in the balls. Price increases, and time limited offers for all sorts of things mean I need to act fast. But again, even though I can do some of them while I am sitting here writing this, the thought of getting into them, and going through a few easy steps, just feels like far too much effort and commitment for my brain to consider doing.

Sitting around, feeling so very tired, within an hour of getting up, feeling like I could go for a nap again. I know my body is craving some activity. I just need the motivation. And I might just have the answer. Jawbone UP. Having not used mine for months, since returning it as the 3rd one broke, I have been without an activity monitor. Considering the options out there, and sizing up the opposition, my biggest issue has been casting aside all the work I have done over the past year and half on my account. The FitBit Charge HR seemed like the best option to replace it, but I have just seen the UP2 is currently only £49 in Currys. I was considering the UP3, but with the heart rate only monitoring resting, and the price being somewhat higher, the 2 seems logical.

If I get a new monitor, I have a little faith in the fact that I will pick up my activity levels again. If not, I know I am in trouble, as the staying in and doing nothing is just a clear sign of things getting worse, not better. And I don’t want that for a second.

Anyway, I better get on. I need to check my current list of to do things, and see what I can achieve today realistically, just to get myself back on the up and up. And if I can manage a trip to Currys to get the UP2, that will hopefully be a good start to getting active again. I can’t do the cardio training I have been as its too much stress on the calf and tattoo right now, but all the rest should be fine. Here’s to getting the heart pumping, and the mind working right again.

Get a grip !

That is what I am repeating to myself over and over recently. It is becoming very frustrating seeing myself gaining weight, knowing what I need to do to control it. Then promising myself that I will take control back…………… And failing, badly!

As pointed out by a friend last week, my weight and body shape is something that has changed for better and worse numerous times over the past decade for example. It isn’t a conscious decision to do so, but more dictated by my varying levels of health and self control. Not to mention my mental state at any given time.
Determined and dedicated, I can make huge changes in short periods of time, with seemingly very little effort. But when doom and gloom strike, it all goes to shit. I can’t say I am particularly filled with doom right now, but I am certainly lacking willpower or even just plain old will!

T-shirts are getting tighter around the tummy again, yet arms and legs are looking good. Strange old body I have here, but one I need to get under control and fast.
Each week I say the old famous “next week”. Then I binge all weekend as a final blowout, then fail to start. Each time it happens I beat myself up about it, and promise myself, next week…. See the cycle here?

There is no real excuse. I have a little man cave full of equipment to use, I have a bit of knowledge in training. Certainly enough to make a difference in my appearance. I can eat clean when I want to and am determined enough. But right now, none of that seems to matter, and I am doing nothing about the situation.

I should point out at this point that, having failed to motivate myself, I am  now trying to borderline embarrass myself into getting my shit together. Publicly announcing that I am failing myself, and trying to make a declaration of commitment to getting healthy again. This isn’t a public cry for help as such. But please feel free to abuse me, or cheer me on, whichever you decide would be most effective.

My average weight varies +/- 30 or sol pounds. I have gone further both ways in the past, but most still maintain that at my lightest in years I looked borderline ill. My average weight surprises some people still, but it’s a number I have become accustomed to these days.

For years my training ethos has been heavy and hard. Building muscle mass at quite a rate, making fitting into some clothes a challenge. That said, my physio pointed out a month ago that I have lost a large amount of muscle mass around my back, which surprisingly is a good thing for me. My words, not hers. Very noticeable for me when putting on wetsuits and scuba gear for sure.  The only downside to this is the loss has coincided with my loss of willpower, and the gaining around the waist.

In fairness to me (yes, excuse time) with recent issues with my achillies and glutes all coming to a head, and now seeing a second physio about the issues, I am mentally off my game in the name of self preservation, and physically off my game due to training limitations. That said, it’s no excuse.

As I was saying, my training ethos, for years has been heavy, but I am slowly coming around to the fact that I am needing to tone more than build these days. Burn fat, and lose size, rather than build muscle and gain size. Contrary to my own beliefs, I’m apparently already quite large as muscle goes. With a GP exclaiming “oh my, you have huge arms, I mean HUGE arms” last year, I guess if someone who examines people daily says it, he must have a point.

I think this might actually be my folding point right now. I know how to train heavy, and obviously training lighter isn’t so different. But the feeling between the two is worlds apart. The failure point feels different, fatigue is a whole different game, and the sensation of making changes feels confusing. But I NEED to do it.  I also NEED to get more active again. I am still up silly o’clock daily and out with the dogs, but with the weather changing the dogs are getting out less with me. Trying to pace myself so not to aggravate my achillies or glutes is a chore too. I am a power walker, not a stroller. Walking slowly makes me feel like I am getting old, and I hate it. Being overtaken is NOT cool!

So here I sit, gym equipment behind me, cloud over my head. Thinking to myself “next week”, and really hoping that I am right this time. I need my mojo, I need that motivation and self discipline. I respect myself enough to care for myself. Now I just need to show it. Cut the crap eating, reduce intake, strip it all down, and for goodness sakes, WORK HARD !

I have a busy weekend ahead, but hopefully I will find the time to sit down with myself and get a training plan drawn up again. Not to high impact on my feet, allowing for morning stretches and physio too. Targeting my “soft” spots, and really taking things seriously again. I love feeling fitter than this, and heavens knows I like looking better than this. So now is the time…. Isn’t it?

Wish me luck, scoff, or just close this blog and wonder why you just read all of this. Whatever you do, hopefully I will be busy getting my shit together and sorting myself out once and for all. Or at least once again! I know a lot of the above is just convenient as an excuse, I don’t need telling to stop making them. I know as well as you that I am better than that. What I do know is that as much as an excuse as they are, they are also legitimate issues, but ones I can work around…. And I will !

Thanks for reading, and here’s to next week. Oh and me not having to write another one of these “HELP MEEEEE!” style entries for a while.

PS, I know a few highly critical friends of mine will be reading this. I value your opinions truly, admire you commitment to yourselves, and your ongoing ability to maintain. In fact I envy that.

“One day I will be great, until then, I will be determined.”


Have you ever had one of those moments,  be it a penny dropping or a bulldozer smashing through the walls of your mind.  Suddenly something changes or just makes sense,  and boom! It’s done.

Just had one of those right this very second.  Like a plane hitting an air pocket and dropping a thousand feet in a few seconds.

A void appears,  consuming you,  taking your thoughts both rational and fictional,  and tearing them into tiny pieces. Uncertainty looms,  confusion arrives,  and your mind works overtime to try and regain control.

Mental and emotional free fall sets in,  and you are along for the ride.  Simple thoughts now become complex and confusing,  the most mundane task seems like a chore.  How could this all happen so fast?

Sometimes references in life can trigger you to draw parallels to your own business,  be they fictional,  or factual. First hand or a tale told by another,  they are all relevant when your mind makes that connection. 

Helpless,  the fall is over,  you have survived it,  but are lost,  in  a strange place,  no idea where you are,  where to go to seek out the normality you crave so badly now. Searching  the deepest corners of your mind,  trying to find the reference you need to make sense of it all,  and to get back to your crazy life you call reality.

Strength,  lacking in it,  you dig deep,  a smile,  a thought,  just something to give you the strength you need right now,  right this second to take control again,  become the master of your own destiny once more,  and shake free from  the reigns which have guided you to this place.

Rise….  From the ground,  collecting yourself,  gathering your thoughts,  drawing up your battle plan to once again be that person.

Welcome to the inner workings of my mind.  Another epic mistake,  a misunderstanding or simply over reaching? The question need not be answered,  but the lesson must be learned.

Night night.