Category: tablets

Phew, I’m pooped!

What a great start to the day. For starters when I woke up this morning, my eyes were just not interest in getting up, and refused to open. Eventually time and necessity got the better of me, so I got up. Just in time for the postie to deliver something I have been waiting for. My LED spotlights for the light unit in my bedroom.

Unwrapped and installed within seconds…… And they are utter shit! Flash bright then go very dim, which is not use to me. Then to add insult to injury, as I tried to remove one of them, it fell apart. Needless to say I have contacted the seller and am awaiting a reply to see what they wanna do about it. Lesson learned, cheap LED bulbs are NOT worth it!

Then it was dog walking time. Getting it in asap, as mum had a nurse coming late morning. Progress was good, about half a mile from home I got word that the nurse would be home very soon…. So started running. Ran the half mile home only to find that the nurse was already there and in. Tuvaaq was in the kitchen. So that was a waste of energy lol, but a nice run all the same.

Sorry to the people startled by seeing Aana running up the road, I was getting some rather strange looks to say the least. Feels good to push yourself from time to time though I have to say.

Next up, once the carer has been, its off to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for mum. Another day with lots of walking, seems like they are never ending recently. My intake has gone up a little to allow for this, but not sure where that leaves me weight wise. I am definatly losing more size as clothes are getting looser and looser (and not stretching to match my girth! Lol)

I might have a low intake day in the next day or two and a weigh in to see where I am with weight. Just out of curiosity more than anything. I am happy with my health improvement, that's the main thing. As I said before the next step is toning, and I really must get my finger out and get on with that. Talk is cheap! Time to knuckle down and get on with it. Starting with abs and tri's.

In fact, as soon as I'm back from the walk to the pharmacy, I'm going to do a bit of each, and get this show on the road.

Other than that, life is pretty dull. Thankfully mum has stabilised for the time being. Still a little confused about a few things, but trying harder to eat and drink etc. Still loves to moan and huff about things too.

Just a quick mention to Kim who is in hospital. Hope its not a long stay for you hun, and I will be up asap to see you 🙂 x


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