Mood bombs
It’s amazing just how fast a mood can bomb when you are of fragile mind and easily influenced. From a dull but positive morning and afternoon, to a relaxing evening, all seemed on track for an OK day.
Hoping to end the day on a positive note, I went to bed earlyish to avoid being over tired. However on my way to bed events started to unravel, and by the time I made it to bed, within 5 minutes the day was destined to end on a pretty shitty low.
Don’t ask why, thats just too complicated to explain right now, and more to the point I don’t get it myself. But either way it sucks right now.
Fingers crossed I wake tomorrow in a better mood. I have an increased dose of medication to look forward to tomorrow, so that’s a bonus eh.
Wish I could explain how it feels to have the bottom drop out of your mood in a flash. And once it’s gone, you are left struggling to climb back out of the hole you fall into. For anyone who does actually understand the feeling, you have my sympathies.
Right, I better lay back down and stare at the ceiling for a bit, then be restless for another hour or so.