Tag: nerves

Here goes….

Well that was a rough night’s sleep if I ever had one. OK… I have had worse for sure but it wasn’t great. My minor insecurities have caught up with me, and I had a few dreams where I was running away from it all.

I have to say it feels good to have some ‘worries’ about today, rathe than arrogantly and over confidently strolling in like a boss and then messing up.

Stay humble, be honest, highlight concerns and take it one step at a time. That’s the way I am trying to do this. Confidence in the system. Although there have been some points where it didn’t all sink in as well, now is the time to rectify that.

Six shifts of using what I have learned in real life. Putting to practice the theories and mock tests, and filling in the gaps to make me more prepared for the end of training.

Although I am saying all the right things, I am of course nervous. I have met some of the people I am working with this week and next, but still more to meet. I have had messages of confidence from others, but this is still my journey.

Awake since 4am I have tried to distract myself from my thoughts, with varying levels of success, instead thinking about having enough food and drink for the shift, wondering why I still have not sorted out food in the mess for myself yet and so on.

Small details, all which can be addressed in good time. For now my aims are simple. Get to work early, don’t get caught up in the post school holidays traffic, give myself time for a walk and mindfulness, and just be myself and be honest with my doubts and worries about my knowledge. And if course, get stuck in and try try try!

The traffic part should be interesting. If I leave 10 mins later than usual the traffic is already starting to build, and that was during the school holidays. This week the schools are back, so we shall see how that changes things. I will of course plan to be  at work silly early just to allow myself time to wake up properly and prepare mentally and physically for the day.

Right, I better get ready… Here goes!

Testing day for sure

I have known this day was coming for a couple weeks now, and quite honestly have done my best to bury my head in the sand about it, or that is how it felt compared to my normal approach. Not sure if its the right way to do things, but that is what it felt like. I suppose to some it is simply compartmentalising the matter until it is time to address it. When I say it like that, I change my statement, I was simply putting my thoughts about it on hold until nearer the time. Much better eh!

So this day, was a job interview for a role I can honestly say I would love. It transfers over some of my existing skills, and puts them to better use. Now I will caveat that by saying, I also don’t think I have a huge chance at getting the role, but was always going to give it 100%, and try my hardest. If I am not the right man for the job when the decisions are made, so be it. I was hungry for it, and I tried. 

Now there are a few people out there who know the full story, but for the rest of you I will leave it as vague as that. Partially for dramatic purposes, and partially as it softens the blow when it goes no further. Even if it doesn’t happen, I have the safety net of a couple of other roles in other fields that are open to me, but if I had to pick just one, it would be this one. 

Interviewing is not something I have done a lot of in recent years, although the last few months have seen a few at least. It is amazing how much the interview situations have changed over the years. Last time I interviewed properly was for Fedex in 2000. That was a simple get to know you, have a chat, show your skills, and wait for a call. There have been a couple since then, but also in the older style of getting to know you, rather than the structured format that most take these days.

Tell me a time when…. Give me an example of a time… Reply with structure, STAR… Geeez. OK I get it, it means everyone has the same chances, and interviews are not derailed by distractions, but some of it feels so false. Of the last few I have had before today two were structured with examples asked for, and the last was an old fashioned getting to know you, why you sort of interview. Two of the three went well to the point of job offers, so I guess I didn’t do too badly.

Today however was a bit of a hybrid. As I said earlier I had managed not to overthink the day prior to it, went in with a clear head, but a bit of an insight into what to expect. Met from reception by the two people interviewing me, it was a few mins walk to the interview room. I tried to make some light hearted small talk on the way. When we got into the room I was told what the format would be, and that it would be almost an informal chat, with some questions along the way. I was told how long had been allowed for the interview, and that any variance should not be seen as any sort of sign, time was not a concern. So when I pointed out the clock perched on the  window frame behind one of their heads, there was a shocked and mortified reaction. They had been telling candidates all day not to worry about time, when there was a clock right behind their heads haha. It was OK and I said I was not worried by it, just making a joke.

As the interview went along I felt I was doing OK, answered quickly but with consideration. Having contemplated what some of the questions might be, I have prepped stories of talking a guy out of suicide, dealing with large scale traffic accidents etc. Needless to say there was no opportunity at any time to use any of the stories I prepped. Instead it was more about the teamwork side of things. While I was caught off guard, I felt like I remained composed and managed to give reasonable examples of applicable situations.

I had said at the start of the interview that I had been in the same role for 24 years, and was a little rusty with modern interview techniques. But given that I would like to think that I showed quiet confidence in my responses, and hopefully made a bit of sense too. 

Hearing how training works, and talking about any holidays I might have pre-booked always gives me a little lift, almost like they are interested in me, and want to know when I can start, but in reality I know these are just pieces of information for them to fill in on the forms, and not any kind of indicator. It is so frustrating being this close, having passed all the other stages, and feeling that the last step, the interview is my weakness. Not due to being incapable, just so out of the circuit having stuck with a job for this long. 

So now I wait. 2-3 weeks is what they have given as a reasonably realistic time to hear back. I checked that when we were wrapping up, and also asked about contact regardless of outcome, as some organisations are terrible for that. They confirmed I will hear back regardless. I am dreading seeing the email in my inbox, as I almost expect it to say “Dear Michael, thank you for attending, however unfortunately… ” you know the rest. But we shall see, I have my fingers crossed, but not my hope locked in. 

As the interview wrapped the conversation returned to light-hearted chatter, which felt nice and relaxing. Interestingly my HR does not appear to have gone over 80 throughout the whole time, which was nice to see. Although I have to say I did feel at ease throughout. We had a nice chat on the way back to reception, and I took the opportunity to throw in a few more stories along the way, just to try and display my true colours.

One question that did arise was if while training I didn’t understand something, what would I do. Obviously I was happy to say I would ask at the appropriate time, as I am always keen to learn new things, and gain new knowledge, so finding out the answer to the question is in my nature. Nerdy or what! 

Anyway, I just wanted to off load today onto the internet so I can sleep well tonight, without overthinking and over analysing it all. Under different circumstances I would have re-done the interview five times over by now, and answered the questions totally differently. I am pleased to say, as of writing this entry, I have not reconsidered any of my answered, although recall the questions quite well. 

Thanks for reading, and watch this space. This is the keystone to what happens next for me now, so lets see how it plays out. Will I have an extended summer holiday, will I go almost immediately from one role to the next…..