Redundancy – The bigger picture
The short version is after 24 years, my journey with the company has come to an end. All very sad indeed. Part of a bigger plan by the company to restructure things.
However, sometimes it is good to take a step back and look at things through rose tinted glasses. Not to make it into something that it is not, but instead to appreciate what happened in those years.
Many years back I started writing a book, and reflected on the “Sliding Doors” effect. In fact I have blogged about this in the past too. Sometimes a simple action can have massive consequences. This is indeed one of those matters. 25 years ago I was an operations manager for a security company in South London. Tired of the role, but not actively looking for something else, my mum handed me the local newspaper, which had a big ad on the back of it for a company. I applied, went for the interview and got the call to start ASAP while I was still driving back from the interview.
Now I digress a little here, but the long and short of it was, I had had a company van for years, and had no car of my own. To commute to the new job in the wee small hours would require a car. So off I went to somewhere with guaranteed finance, paid an arm and a leg, and bought myself a Vauxhall Vectra. At the time it was the newest car I had owned. Previously I had had a modified Cortina (don’t laugh), and used to go to Chelsea Cruise at the weekends. However I was out of touch with this, and there was this new thing now, the internet. So I googled a few things and found a small internet forum called Cruise Central. A load of like minded people who modified cars and met up regularly. Pre Fast and Furious franchise I might add. This was 2000.
Anyway, long story short, after first being suspected of being a copper, I was eventually welcomed into the folds, and became a regular user of the forum. From here things moved fast. Talk of meets spawned the idea of a new forum. Introductions were made, and a meeting took place where a small group of us, some of who I still speak to a quarter of a century later, formed a new forum.. Cruise-South!
I won’t go on about what happened next in detail, but I will say for better and for worse, that forum made me the man I am today. From forming friendships with some amazing people, to learning to work with the media and police. Getting adult experience of what it was like to lose someone you knew and cared about. Relationships, conflicts, learning to read characters, and of course developing a split personality and all sorts of mental health issues!
This was the inception of “Snazy”, and the start of a bit of a battle with myself, but one that has taught me so much, so I am thankful.
The point I am getting to is, had I not taken this job, I would not have bought the car, had no reason to join a forum, would not have met the people I did, and life would be so so different. And quite frankly, I would not change a single moment for a second. I am proud of who I became, even prouder of who they became, and like to kid myself that the interactions I had with some had a positive impact on their lives and journeys.
The past 24 years have seen some tragic moments for sure. However they have also seen some mighty triumphs too, and I am always one to try and see the positives rather than the negatives. Just like now, I see the positives of a decision I made 24 years ago, and the rewards of the journey I took, rather than the doom and gloom of losing my job.
Truth be told I made some amazing friends thanks to the effects of taking the job, and made one or two friends from the actual job itself. I am not going to sugar coat it and pretend it has all been wonderful, it really hasn’t. However the few friends I have made and kept from the job, I am really grateful for. They have taught me about differences of options, the power of conversation, diversity and so much more.
Now, after all this time I get the opportunity once again to spread my wings a little, broaden my horizons, and move on to something else. I have looked at other industries and roles quite a few times over the years, but generally been happy with what I did. So this is just a firm nudge to move on, and follow one of those paths I have often gazed down. Which one, I really don’t know right now, but there are a few to look at and see which fits best.
I won’t go on for much longer, but I just wanted to make this entry to acknowledge and appreciate the amazing people I have met through my journey, especially those I met from the forums and the effects of simply buying a car to get to and from a new job. The world works in mysterious ways.
So if you are reading this, and we met through Cruise-South / CSOC or the modified car scene, can I get a hell yeah!! If we still talk today, it is because I value your input and conversation, and hey, some of you I even consider friends.
Love to you all.
Next episode I hope to discuss my options and thoughts for the road ahead, that should be interesting (or boring)