I’m not gonna lie, I don’t always try too hard, hell I don’t even try to do the right thing some of the time, but every now and then I find myself in touch with my consciousness, and try and do what is right.
As the years have passed, I have realised that sometimes that is to my detriment. Putting strain on my mental health and state of mind, for the sale of others. Sometimes the others don’t seem to be putting as much heart into it as me, and I end up feeling exhausted and empty, rather than tired and full of a sense of teamwork and achievement.
I had a great nights sleep last night, woke refreshed and surprisingly free of social burdens. Not bothered by much of what has happened of late, and free to think for myself. The clearest thing that came to me was, “why are you doing this to yourself?”. The alarming part was I had no answer.
Beating myself up week after week, overdoing it, not giving myself enough ‘me time’, and for what! The reality is, nothing, other than sense of doing the right thing. It’s all well and good doing the right thing, trying to be helpful, supportive, productive etc, but if it leaves you in a complete mess, and unable to do the things that actually matter, what’s the point!
I had a lovely bike ride yesterday, something I have not had time for for weeks now, and a good morning run to clear my head this morning. So right now, today, this week is about me! And doing what is right for me. Less hours at work, more time focusing on my health.
I always find myself getting caught up with a feeling of not doing my fair share at work. Working a shorter contracted day than the rest, when things are tough I like to step up. But then when I get in a mess and remember WHY I chose to do shorter hours, the penny FINALLY drops and I realise what has happened, vow never to do it again, and then next time comes around.
Well I have caught myself this time, and I ain’t going down that damn rabbit hole this time.
Right I am off to stretch, do some mindfulness exercises and spend some time with me.
Have a great day, and an even better week.
PS there may be trouble ahead…… Lol