Tag: fitness

The difference a week can make!

So about 10 days ago I was saying how things didn’t quite feel right and that I was unsettled. Yet just over a week later things could not be further from the case. I could not tell you what has changed to make me feel this way, but I can go through what I have done differently over the past week, and consider if that has made a difference or not. 

The most important thing here though it how I feel, and what I am thinking right now. That is the main reason for this entry, to remind myself how quickly and unexpectedly things can change.

The first thing I want to say is, this is a reminder how quirky mental health can be. Like driving along a really smooth road, and hitting a pot-hole. A sudden upset, things take a while to settle and calm down, but if done correctly there is no lasting damage and you continue on your way. At worst, you need to pause, change the wheel and then get back underway again. As long as you maintain some sense of control. And that is the key. Knowing what to do when you hit that pot-hole.  

Knowing that I am always in control, no matter how uneven the road is makes such a difference, however from time to time I need to remind myself that I have the wheel, and that is what some of the other entries are all about.

A good reminder of this came last week when I spent some time with my niece who has ASD. Being with a likeminded person, regardless of the age gap is a nice opportunity to slow things down, do things in a certain way, and not get caught up in the high speed chase that life is. Talking to her about different situations, to compare notes and see how we both deal with them is refreshing, and also feels nice to offer her a space and an ear of understanding. And at the same time, learn new ways, as well as sharing my experiences, and offering “advice” on how I would deal with certain situations and environments. 

I think that time gave me a moment to reset and reflect, and find my feet again. Reminding myself that different is bad or wrong. Being your own authentic self is the only way to get by in this world. Some people might not understand you and your ways, but at the end of the day trying to be a different person for every group of people or situation is exhausting, and unsustainable. If people don’t appreciate you for who you are, then they are a bad fit for your life, and there will be someone else along shortly to take their place who does respect you.

So, the past week, what have I done differently and what has changed.
Well for starters I have applied for some more jobs, and looked into other avenues of interest. I appreciate the help of those who have pointed out some of these opportunities to me.
I thought that rather than fixating on a handful of jobs I have gone for, regardless of the fact that I have since received offers, I would look at other options while I am still working. Part of this is just due to a little new found confidence in applying for jobs. Not shying away from the pre interview assessments that some do. Just getting stuck in, and giving it a shot, without any over thinking. 

At the end of the day there are go-to options for me already, so it isn’t a matter of life or death. Not that it ever was of course, there would always be something. Instead I saw it as an opportunity to stretch my legs a bit and consider some other roles, and just see what comes of them. Nothing like options now is there. Not for one second suggesting I will be flooded with offers haha. So there are two new  applications in the pipeline, assessments done, and just waiting to hear back. And a third temp job that can be done adhoc if and when I need some extra cash (for bikes).

Also after a long time pondering, I have finally jumped back on the healthier lifestyle wagon. Last week I signed up to a Zwift training plan, and got stuck straight in, and this week I have started a Garmin running plan too. Bother are about 12 weeks long, and hopefully I will be able to manage them both without killing myself. Neither is particularly taxing, so fingers crossed I stay injury free and energised. The main idea of the plans is to keep myself accountable, so I have a schedule to work to, rather than winging it, and it all becoming a bit hit and miss. 

This week I started a healthier eating plan too, to try and drop those extra pounds, and get back to a happier place physically. Losing some weight will help loads with running and cycling both mentally and physically. Looking back over the last five years I can see how my running pace has fluctuated, usually with my weight. But unfortunately since its last dip there has been no noticeable recovery, so I am keen to change that, if I can! Age will be part of it too, I can’t forget that. So far this week I have reduced my food intake considerably, but not so much that it has impacted my fitness activities. I actually felt more able to run at a faster pace today than I have in a while. 

Cereal for breakfast, lots of fluids during the day, a Protein Works shake for lunch (they are actually yummy), and a small dinner earlier than usual in the evenings. At the moment I am being lazy and using ready meals for dinner. Small cheap ones, with a side of veg to bulk it out a bit. Thank you to my clever wife for suggesting this, it makes a massive difference to feeling fed or not. Eventually I will do meal prep for these meals and others, but for now it is a nice lazy way to get measured meals, count calories, and get my body and mind used to the routine and intake levels. Portion control is a massive thing for me, so this sets a standard. 

Mindfulness is the next thing. When I wrote my last entry I checked the dates I had started to feel a little crappy upstairs, and looked at my mindfulness log, and to my surprise they almost aligned. And by that I mean, I stopped doing it very much for a few weeks, and at the same time started to feel crappy about myself. Not solid proof I know, but I definitely notice a difference when I don’t take any time out for myself during a day. 10 mins a day really can make all the difference. Needless to say I am back listening to the Daily Jay, and spending some time with my thoughts every day again. Same with the Daylio mood diary, taking a moment every evening to consider my day and reflect on it, makes things feel addressed and completed. 

From good mindfulness comes good sleep. And the past couple of weeks have been good sleep. Again this is also down to the change in routine. Earing earlier in the evening, easing off the caffeine, plenty of fluids throughout the day, and getting to bed earlier. The last one is probably the most important, followed closely by the change in meal times. But it has been wonderful. The other night I recorded eight hours of sleep, woke once, and no pee breaks. Talk about waking refreshed. It is bizarre going to sleep, then waking and looking at the clock and seeing 5am, and realising you have slept for 6 hours straight. I am used to waking hourly then fighting to get back to sleep. 

Again, just like recognising my highs and lows of mood, when I get sleep patterns like this, I can reassure myself that it IS possible, and I am not a total screw-up. I am sure I have mentioned before that while broken sleep is the norm for me, it has not always been the way, so having these good nights of sleep feels amazing, and is definitely something I want to try and maintain. 

Important note to self at this point. Being in good physical shape is not a guarantee of feeling great mentally, however from experience, the activities and behaviours used to establish good physical health, certainly contribute to better mental health. Getting out of the house, getting the heart rate up, and most importantly learning when to push and when to take it easy all helps. Of course if the mental side of things wavers, then the knowing when to ease off goes out of the window, and we find ourselves pushing ourselves harder and harder to try and find that feeling again. Like a drug addiction, needing more to get that fix you so badly need. Self destruction is a real thing, I have been down that road before. 

So, looking back up there I have rambled on quite a bit, so will start to wrap things up.
In short, I am feeling much better than I was two weeks ago. Positive mindset, feel I have a direction to head in. I am definitely at one with myself right now, and am focusing on the things I have some control over, and trying to let other things work themselves out. Whatever the outcome of the job applications, so be it. Maybe I will get another offer, maybe it will be another no, I have very little influence over that. 

The things I can have some more control over are my food intake, my exercise and activity levels, and of course trying to look after that grey matter too. A few minutes a day spent on any of the above is bound to have a positive impact on my well-being, so why not invest a few minutes I would have been eating or wallowing in my own self doubt, and build myself up a little. 

If you have read all of this, thank you, I appreciate your time and allowing me a few moments to ramble on in search of finding a balance for myself, and hopefully offering others some of my wisdom and experience.

The sun is finally back, so here’s to a happy a positive summer for all. 

Oh, sorry, one more thing before you go. 
Physical image!
As someone who cycles I have grown to feel comfortable in close fitting clothes. I am sure some look as I run or cycle past and giggle or sneer, but ultimately I really don’t care about other peoples opinions. If its from a sedentary judgemental person watching from their car, they can sod off. At least I am doing something. 
If it is from a fellow (I use the word lightly) runner or cyclist, who feels the need to judge, then I say, I am probably working harder than you. With my age and weight it’s not as easy as it once was, so if you have the time to look and judge, maybe YOU should be trying harder, rather than judging others. 

Of course, it might be from me, catching a glimpse of myself in a shop window or a mirror as I leave home. To me I say, don’t like what you see? Then do something about it, you did this to you, you can undo it too. So stay strong and keep pushing. 
One day the power I put out will have a much lighter weight to propel, then maybe I will become that judgemental arsehole instead lol. 

PS, just for clarity, no one has said anything or made me feel judged. I do that all by myself!

Things ain’t right!

I know, I know, I said it before, but I just wanted to get things straight in my head.

Since the last entry I have had a week off work, got lots of odd jobs done, achieved a few things, thought a lot, seen friends, been out a couple of times, went to see Michael McIntyre and so on. Plenty of me time is the main thing there. 
Sadly I have also spent a lot of money that I don’t have yet in order to get those jobs I mentioned done. I have had a few nice bike rides too, and spent time walking the dogs. 

But with all that said and done, I don’t feel right. 
Last night was a prime example, but before I get to that, let me do a quick pupdate.
House training is finally getting there, habits are starting to form, and her true personality is starting to shine through. Much as I had hoped (like my others) she loves being solitary, will take herself off up the hallway, or into the bed in the corner of the living room. She has even taken to sleeping outside at night for a few hours at a time now too. Unfortunately Kallik likes sleeping outside too, and her being out there annoys him slightly, which he vocalises. Sadly that is not ideal at 1am.  It is not her being there that bothers him, but more when she gets ants in her pants and starts wandering around the garden. Work in progress there then, but definitely progress. 

Ironically, for a dog that likes to be on her own, it seems she is a little attached to me. Even when Ann is in she can get vocal if I go out. That said we were out for 3 hours the other day, and not so much as a whisper. It is very sporadic, occasionally we go out and nothing. Sometimes a little moan then nothing. Sometimes nothing then a moan, then nothing, and every now and then she is vocal for the majority of the time we are out. Boredom more than separation anxiety I would say, but can’t quite put my finger on the trigger.  Strange!

Anyway, back to me, last night…
Over the past couple of nights there have been a couple of foxes in nearby gardens being very noisy, its that time of year and all. Anyway, Kallik is a big fan of foxes and likes to introduce himself. When he knows they are around he gets very unsettled.
Deciding on an early night last night, I climbed into bed and within minutes the foxes started, Kallik who was in the back garden started and a nightmare begun. I brought him in, but instead of settling he whined to go back out, which wound the others up too.  Nothing I have not been through before, and as irritating as it is, you get by. 

However, last night I could not settle. I think I was more unsettled than the dogs were. Aware of my heart pounding, and still full of food from a big dinner I felt thoroughly unsettled and borderline unwell. Mistaking being bloated for pressure in the chest and so on, I spiralled for the first time in a long time. It was not til about 2am I got back into feeling OK again, and settled enough to get a few hours sleep. On the plus side of all this, Freyja managed almost 8 hours without going out into the garden for a wee, and the house stayed dry, so small mercies and all that. 

The issue lays with the four hours I had to myself, to mentally beat myself up, and over think for the first time in a while. It is amazing what you can come up with left in the company of a mad-man aka your own mind. The bloated feeling got me thinking about health and weight, the over thinking part of it got me concerned about my mental state.

Starting with physical fitness and health. For my age I guess I am doing OK. More active than a large percentage in my age group, good resting heart rate, athleticism isn’t too shabby. So they are the positives. The negatives… I eat too much junk food, I am over weight, my BP is higher than normal, and I am cheating myself by not being lighter and faster. Looking back at historic numbers I am heavy and slow now. Where as before I was quite heavy and quite quick lol. Age plays a part, state of mind doesn’t help and I will come to that. But ultimately I need to shift some weight. Pretty sure I have said that a lot recently, but I just CANNOT find the motivation to stay on the wagon. I have lost some, but then I lost the enthusiasm. If weight were enthusiasm, I would be 8 stone now!

Then there is the mind, which really is not playing ball right now. I know I have said a few times now that I am doing OK in the face of such big changes, however I am left wondering if I am just putting on a brave face, and am actually struggling. Or maybe that is just me not giving myself enough credit for handling something well. 
I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. In general I feel confident that I will have a job when I am ready. Like I have said, there are offers there, so I can kinda confidently say “I have a job” to go to, just not sure which one yet. In the meantime I continue to look and consider others, occasionally applying.  So it is fair to say I am not putting a face on in that regard.

Possibly one of the areas I am having a bit of an internal debate is what I actually want to do. Out the gate I said I want to make a difference, help with change in people, feel I have achieved something, and that remains true. However I also want to be happy and mentally healthy too, so there is balance to be found. Having worked part time for 15 years almost, I know going back to full time work will have an impact. Morning rides and runs will not be as easy or frequent anymore. I am OK with that, I think. Well, especially as I have recently not been doing that much, which has not helped with the physical side of things, and weight. 

So, finding a new job…. check. Pretty much a done deal. 
Happiness in job / home….. semi check. I have only gone for roles I feel comfortable with, as diverse as a few of them are. 
Freedom…. That is gonna take a hit if I stick with my top 3 jobs.

That is probably the one hitting me the hardest, but the one point I have avoided thinking about too much until now. But as the clock starts to tick down, it is time to give it some thought. And based on some recent conversations, maybe also time to reconsider my top 3 jobs, and give some others some thought too. Things that offer me a little more freedom to organise my day. I don’t think I have gone down the wrong path, I just don’t think I have looked at any others hard enough to consider them critically, and be 100% certain on my choices.

There are a multitude of job opportunities that offer me more freedom to plan my day my own way. But the trade off is the job satisfaction, and I am not too sure I want to compromise that. Out of the frying pan springs to mind. 

So what is this, or are these other paths….?
Well the first is re-training. Something along the lines of counselling. Rewarding, feel like I am giving back, and something I have some experience in, and some “transferrable skills” (see I do read all the job application forms!! lol). It would require me to do a college course, and get some qualifications. In the meantime I would need to get a less satisfying part time job to allow the study / income balance. But of all the ideas I have had over many years, this is one I come back to frequently. I could even use that skillset in other roles that appeal to me, so a win win. 

The other is back to basics, driving of some kind. Anything is a consideration, from buses, to lorries, to Uber, whatever. Just something I can just get on an do, while contemplating what comes next for me.

All of the above deserve a little consideration, while waiting on the primary list to sort itself out. Seems patience is truly a virtue when it comes to getting the ball rolling with job offers. Three months since passing all the assessments, and still waiting on a placement. Phew, this is intense. 

Anyway, I am going a bit all over the place here. So to wrap this up, I guess what has come out of my head in this writing session is that I need to be kind to myself, not blinker my views on the road or roads ahead, and appreciate that there is a lot going on right now. My life can be viewed as every aspect being suspended in the air like a mobile for a baby. Hanging from strings, bobbing around but going nowhere at the moment. Just waiting for things to actually move to get an idea of what comes next and what it looks like.

God I needed this time to write. Can’t say I have discovered anything ground-breaking, but getting it out of my head and into the ether always feels better. The pressure has been released once again.

Now, back to beating myself up about my weight and appearance. And trying to find that illusive bit of motivation and willpower I need to get things moving again. I always say routine is the key, and it is… Just got to find mine. Maybe the nicer weather will help… And of course putting the cakes down!

As ever, thanks for reading.

Wobbly Wednesday

Not a great start to the day. Got up with every intention of going for a run, thought about routes last night, and decided on something medium distance and not too taxing. When I woke I felt OK, but as I got ready I could feel my mind starting to play tricks. 

By the time I got to the door to run, I could hear light rain, and was ready to call it. I’m fine getting caught I the rain, but starting a run in the rain has always been hard for me to do. None the less, off I went for my warm up. A few mins in, I can see the rain drops on my clothes and am already starting to put a downer on it… “I’m gonna get soaked”, “I will get ill”, “what if I slip and hurt myself”…. Bollox! 

Time to run. As soon as I got going, the thoughts changed to how short a route I could do, maybe just a few km’s, regular 5k loop at best, being flat and simple. A mile in, having taken a different turn to force myself away from escape, and I am wondering am I going too fast, the audio prompt comes and its OK, I’m a little hit faster than planned but ok for this stage. But still I can’t get doubt out of my head. 

At this point I decided to give myself no choice, the answer was simple, go a way I am not familiar with, then I have to focus on other things rather than being on a route I know and having time with my thoughts. Next route split time, I need to go somewhere new, I choose left, and its straight towards a busy bus stop. Damnit, I just need to get past.

As I reach the bus stop, people are being phone zombies or plain selfish and standing all across the pavement, don’t worry I will run in the road. As I pass I am over thinking and over reacting, I just need to get to the next corner and it’s done with. I start thinking further up the route, a distraction from the negative thoughts I am having. Where do I go next, visualise the route, the next mile or two, where will they be? 

OK, mile 3 clicks around, the pace is good, HR is steady and more importantly, my brain is calming down. My thoughts are sensible again now, not hanging on to doubts, I am a few miles in, I’m feeling good, and now I know I’m good for a bit longer. Out towards Beckenham, up what is quite a steep hill for me, pace is good, taking it easy, and into the park for some clean air and a moment of serenity. 

On the back straight, heading back towards home, starting to feel accomplished, and feeling a more familiar sense of achievement now. But a little premature maybe, I’m still 2.5 miles from home, and now the temp is starting to drop and the wind is picking up too, brrrr. Under dressed a little today maybe. 

As I reached Catford, I carried on visualising the rest of the route I was going to take, and looked forward to getting home, back to the warmth. 

The last mile now, and I’m in a nice rhythm, not worrying about the pace, in fact from the last audio prompt I’m pretty happy with the pace all things considered. Reaching the finish point, as usual my picky mind perked up and insisted that I finish the run where I started, so that’s another half mile to tag on the end of the run. Starting to feel it by this point, having done a 34 mile ride yesterday with hills and efforts, today’s run was meant to be short and sweet. But the mind needs taming at times, so let’s play along. 

Finally the end, 7.4 miles done, feeling mentally relaxed and physically exhausted. Not to a point of discomfort, but I had definitely burnt off any excess energy I had.

 I have often referred to how beneficial exercise is, especially for some people. Being able to turn off the mind for a bit, or at least distract it enough to calm down and get back to normal. Almost like a small child having a tantrum, distracted for a moment by a toy, et voilà, all is well again. In simple terms, that’s how my mind can be at times. It’s far from that simple, and some of the time it takes far more than a run or ride to make things well again. 

But days like today remind me how delicate the balance is. And that sometimes I am not even aware of the drama going on inside the grey matter, not unti I feel better again. It was a little way into the run I realised I wasn’t in a great place. And I kid you not, I spent about 15 mins thinking what I would name today’s run on Strava. Over thinking at its finest.  Eventually I went with “Over thinking, over whelming – overcome”, as those were the 3 stages of state of mind during the hour and 15 mins of the run. 

So there, that’s my head cleared out of today’s fun, hopefully I can sleep tonight now, and not dwell for too long on what has been a mentally tiring day. 

Night all, thanks for reading. 


Which came first, the spiral or the doubt?

With so much going on in the world recently, and a somewhat intense 2020 so far, it is easy to lose track of oneself. Usually self help checks keep me on my game, but with time taken on other more pressing matters than my own well-being, it has been a time where I have let things slip. And now I am left wondering just how much has slipped by un-noticed. 

At the start of the year, after getting my head back out of the sand from Xmas and all that comes with that, we moved straight on to the first event of the year being the trip to Svalbard. As I am sure most are aware, Ann (my better half) suffered a somewhat catastrophic accident in the first few days there, resulting in an airlift, a trip to the hospital, emergency flights home, and being operated on and hospitalised within days of arrival back in the UK. The road to recovery is long, and the first month or so of that was very intense. So naturally, and completely unbegrudgingly, I got stuck in, and focused on her recovery.

At the same time, my chest had been bad prior to the trip to Svalbard, so I had not been cycling to work as usual, but instead driving. So on my return to work, and keen to spend as much time at home caring for Ann, I chose to continue to drive to and from work. I have to say by this point I was getting a bit lazy anyway, so it was a great excuse. 

Now cycling for me has always been a good escape, a chance to think, burn calories, and breaaaathe!! So three months in to the year and no cycling, well that’s not good!

Mid to late March, and Covid-19 became a reality, so in a last minute rush, a work from home scheme was set up, so commuting on the bike became unnecessary, so even less opportunity or inclination to ride a bike. It’s not going well at all. Needless to say, we all know how things went from there. UK lockdown, restrictions on activity and being outdoors, as well as an extra nudge from my wonderful introvert mind, and that was me done with going out.

A few attempts have been made along the way. In March just before lockdown I managed one single ride on the new bike in Richmond with Jason, then that was me done with outdoors. So, onto the trainer, and for a few weeks I got stuck in with Zwift, then a few things happened and interest started to fade again. Next up, running. By this point I am more than aware I am gaining weight, eating crap and not doing enough activity to balance not only my mind, but also my body. More weight piling on, and less and less inclination to do anything about it. 

Now here we are in early June. More weight gained, all efforts and activities have completely ceased now, my interest is near rock bottom, but my frustration is through the roof. Once again fat, a noticeable change in my resting heart rate, I feel heavy and slow, and a huge part of me is struggling to get back on my feet. But that tiny powerful little part of my mind won’t let me. Am I making excuses, and I getting too old for this “get fit” shit? 

I will go with the former for the majority of it, it’s just in my head, and I am just making excuses. Sure, I was going to give P90X another go, but by week 4 I was struggling with recovery, starting to skip sessions or part of, and really fighting to find the willpower to push through the discomfort. Partially because I know previously discomfort has led to long term pain, not something I want to repeat right now, especially with restrictions on physical treatments. 

Sleep is suffering, falling asleep in pain and discomfort, and waking the same way, day after day. It’s not how I like living my life, and I am desperate for a change. But without the motivation, and willpower to drive me, I am at a total loss on how to do this. In the past it has been a challenge to myself, prove something great, and achieve something greater. Right now it just seems like too much effort for not enough reward, and my mind just shuts me down as soon as I start thinking about it. 

I don’t want greatness, I don’t want the bulk of the past, I just want to be healthier, and feel it both mentally and physically. 

Deep inside, I know my lack of cycling is not helping at all, in fact it is one of the huge contributors towards how I am feeling right now. But with a “bottom of the pile” feeling, similar to how I felt on the first couple of days of London to Amsterdam, there is bugger all motivating me to get on a bike right now. Sure I have the trainer, but in this case it’s just not the same. I need physical exhaustion to help settle me, but I need air and freedom too. But outside, isn’t where I want to be right now, and people are my kryptonite. So I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. All that bulk I have put on probably isn’t helping me struggle my fat arse free!

So as I sit here late at night, after an evening of watching Titan Games, making me want to try harder, and overcome my negativity, and watching dream bike builds, hoping to inspire my love and desire to get back on my bike, I am left feeling a little lost.

Am I spiralling here, am I off back down the rabbit hole? Or am I simply just over thinking everything, living in fear of depression, dragged down by all the negativity around at the moment, and just fighting to find my footing. I have the mental power to break free of this, I have done it before, I can do it again. But before I can push, I need to know what I am fighting, who is my enemy here exactly? 

I want to believe, that it is just a serious bout of self doubt, and that I just need to sort my shit out. Overcoming self doubt just needs one good hard push in the right direction, however I have no plan, so no direction at the moment. I have a home gym, I have road bikes, a gravel bike, running shoes. I am literally out of excuses, yet somehow keep finding them.

What I need is a plan, and a good one. Structure, direction, a vague goal, and motivation to keep me going so I can achieve what I want and need to. So now what? What do I do? How do I do this?

I am totally at a loss, and struggling…..Something needs to change!