Gonna be one of those days I think. Long but crappy nights sleep (thanks Kallik), starting to feel less run down which is nice, but still very unsettled. Body battery (Garmin thing) is quite low for me, and reflects how I feel, but otherwise things are OK.
Had my first CBT session this morning, and I have to say, after a little pre meeting trepidation, it all went well, and like before, I feel like I have a grip on it and am starting to have a bit of an understanding. That said, I think I have always understood my anxiety, but just not yet learned how to cope with it. She did say in the session that I had made great progress, understood the structure well and was becoming my own coach, so that’s good, right? We did also discover that I am pretty complex and my favourite word is “control”.
As I expected, the scores from my testing this week show a swing back towards depression, and a relaxation of my social anxiety. That is why the therapies route has always been such a pain for me. While they are connected, and dealing with one assists with the other, it’s a “pick one” approach, and a more generalised one at that. But for the speed this therapy has come about, I am NOT complaining, and appreciate the help I am getting. But it does support the pendulum effect I have always spoken about, that as one issue lessens, the other gets worse. The goal here is to stop the damn thing swinging and sit happily in the middle, or at the very least, take the energy out of the pendulum and stop it swinging further and further into the abyss.
Tomorrow I have my meeting with work to discuss my situation moving forwards, so hopefully some progress can be made there. I am hoping we can separate the two situations, and deal with mine individually rather than with the herd. Worst case, herd is first, and I just have to be patient. If that is the case, I still feel in control, so am not too worried about the outcome, just more frustrated by the delays.
For the rest of the day now I am at a loose end. I really want to do something, but not sure what. Riding seems a bit of an effort and faff for how I feel right now. But sitting on my arse for the whole day seems pretty frickin dull, so maybe a walk is the answer. I don’t want to socialise in any way, partially because of how my head feels and partly because of Ann having Covid and me not wanting to spread it. So a walk in the open sounds like the best plan right now I think. Fresh air, pod cast in my ears and get the HR up a bit.
Mentally today I feel a bit lethargic, disinterested in doing much. Haven’t washed the bike after yesterdays ride, a few odd jobs need doing but I haven’t been bothered, and beating myself up a bit about forgetting to put the bins out. I wasn’t sure if it was a bank holiday weekend for bin collection or not. Meh! Oh well. (edit, I just checked and seems they are being collected tomorrow, phew!) But yeah, head not in a bad place today, just not too motivated. Thought process seems a little more active today. Noticed I was quite engaged during my CBT session, able to think on my feet, and also writing this I feel 8 have some flow. That may of course be because I have only just taken today’s dose of meds, so could go downhill from here yet, but all part of the journey.
It’s nice that people are reading these entries and being kind enough to respond to me via messages and other means. Feels good to know it’s a shared journey and a path others have trodden before, so thank you to everyone who has been in touch in anyway, your support means a lot to me. And I hope in turn than by writing and sharing this, others somehow get some help and understanding from my journey. It has always been the goal of this blog to share both ways.
Right, I better get my day in order before I give up on it all together.
Til tomorrow…
There’s a small super smelly piggle who is always here for you 🙂
Thank you Piglet, I know this 🙂