Woooah, we’re half way there!
What a blur! Hard to believe that SIX weeks of training have passed already, consisting of three in the classroom, two on the floor actually doing part of the role, and another back in the classroom. From walking into the reception area on the first day, and looking around at the people in there wondering if we were all new starters, to now casually walking around the place with confidence.
First and foremost I am proud of myself, for overcoming my inhibitions, putting the right foot forwards and starting as I mean to go on. From the first day I was offered the role I was determined that I would not be my old self of recent years, and instead project the confidence I remember having so many years ago. My aim was to stand out, without STANDING OUT!! If that makes sense. Be noticed and talked about for the right reasons, and not be the topic of gossip.
From day one I have tried to make bonds and support my fellow trainees in any way I could. Looking out for people, giving encouragement and praise, and most of all, trying to be a team player, and make sure we all made it through being the best versions of ourselves possible. All the while trying not to revert back to previous fake versions of myself. Not becoming a person I needed to be, but be the person I wanted to be known as. And dare I say, I think I have done it.
Donning a mask, creating a character, and acting in a way I need to is something I am familiar with, and any person who has read these blogs over the years will know of my journey, and the pitfalls I have encountered over the decades of doing this. So to have a totally fresh start, be known as me, Michael, and not the previous iterations of me was key. For the first few weeks I honestly questioned was I being genuine? Was the real me coming across, or was I trying too hard?
Reading back through the entries here has given me the confirmation that I needed, that I have indeed simply found the real me hidden inside the complex mixtures or personalities I have encountered and emulated over many years. It is SO refreshing to feel myself again. Feel that I am being honest with people and only showing them who I am, and not something or someone I want to be seen as. I really think this is important in this role, and being in touch with yourself is a great asset to dealing with the things the role expose you to. Being human and relatable above all.
I have had my doubts along the way, questioning if I was capable of doing it in the first place, how I would get on in a class environment, given the last time I was in one was 1989 and I walked away with nothing. I say nothing, I had the knowledge and the experience, just not the certification and proof that I had it all. Not that it has hindered me in life one bit. I am pleased to report however that I am enjoying the experience, and feel like I am learning so much. I have done more writing, as in pen and paper, in the past six weeks than I think I did my entire time at school. But that is a good thing. Like blogging, writing things helps me remember them, as it is a manual processing of my thoughts.
Having finally managed to catch up with one of the seniors earlier this week, I am happy with the feedback I received, and that has given me a little more confidence and spark to dig ever deeper to reach the standard I expect of myself. There is a midway test coming up next week, which I am kinda looking forward to, just to see where I am and see what I need to improve on over the coming five weeks. It is incredible to think that in six weeks time I will hopefully have passed my last validation, been assigned to a work group and be starting my journey in a qualified (yet probationary) role. Fingers crossed anyway!
At the end of the working week this week I also had the opportunity to sit down with the trainers and discuss both my progress and have a welfare check to see all was well. From my side of things I am in a good place, happy with how things are in the classroom, confident things are sinking in, and not fazed by any of the topics or discussions. When asked if I had any questions or concerns, I simply asked how I was perceived. Not in an insecure way, but more to make sure that it was seen that I could be part of a team, and integrate within one of the work groups. There didn’t seem to be any concern there whatsoever, so again that was a nice boost for me.
Another thing I realised was that all this incessant blogging and babbling on about things has really helped with my typing speed and keyboard confidence. Not that I ever thought I was slow, or struggled with IT, but it has definitely helped me when it comes to parts of the role where being familiar with the keyboard really helps. Random but factual.
So…..Here I am, past the half way mark, energised by what I have learned and experienced so far, excited about what lays ahead. Unfazed by the environment, really happy to be around lots of people (a phrase I never thought I would be saying). There is a lot to fit in over the coming weeks, but I have confidence in myself, my fellow trainees and most of all, the trainers and the system.
Here’s to my/ our successful passing out at the end of Oct…. fingers crossed
Big shout out to my support network both new and old.