Week 1 done!

Wow, what a blast it has been.

First thing I have to say is thank you to everyone at the operations centre for making me feel so welcome and immediately part of an organisation. The term family gets used a lot, and after just a week I can see how that quickly becomes the feeling. It would he an honour to become another member of such an amazing family.

It has been forever since a work place excited me quite as much as this. Without sounding corny, just the feeling of wanting to be in a place of work, let alone engage with the people there is great.

Walking into areas where established employees are relaxing on their breaks, having a moment to themselves, you expect there to be a sense of annoyance at someone new or an outsider encroaching on their time and space. But it’s been the complete opposite.

Remembering who we are talking about here…. Me! Finding myself not only welcomed into the space, but to feel like I can actively engage in conversation with complete strangers is genuinely incredible. It almost has me question who I am! Haha.

Over the past few months I have done a lot of work on my mental well-being, as I am sure I have mentioned a few times along the way. During that time I have become aware that I have made some massive strides, but this was always going to be the big test.

During the interview and testing stages for this role I had surprised myself at my confidence in the moment and the lack of anxiety and over thinking before and after. Obviously this was not fluke, it was “the new me” shining through.

Fast forward to the weeks running up to my start time, the only thing that was playing on my mind was my DBS as it was not something I had control over, but instead had control of me. Thankfully we know how this worked out. Even on the lead up to my first day I felt calm, slept well, and didn’t feel like it was playing on my mind.

Turning up at work on my first day, arriving early, spotting who I thought was also a new starter outside, I found myself making the first move to introduce myself and strike up a conversation with him. Thankfully I was right and he was indeed also there to start his control training. So before we had even entered the premises, I knew someone.

Next step, signing in, being met by the training team, and meeting the rest of the group I would be training with. Eight of us in all. Once all signed in and taken to a room, the introductions started. Previously as the wave of intros went around the table I would be practising what I was going to say, and not hearing what anyone else said. This time was so different. Listening to the people, hearing their stories and feeling inspired to add more to my own story.

From that point on, we had a quick tour of the building, then got stuck into information absorbing, aka learning. The next few days, bonds have grown, comfort around each other has developed. Rather than feeling daft, stupid or vulnerable when something hasn’t quite sunk in during a lesson, I feel confident and comfortable either asking the question to the whole group, or scooting over to a colleague and asking them to repeat or explain it.

It’s at this stage slightly question myself. In the past many years ago confidence could quickly come across as cockiness. So I have been careful to try and keep things in check. Not that my personality is normally obnoxious, but I don’t want it to appear that way if I start to feel like I have to play to a stereotype. I think in recent years I have very much used this personality as my crutch to get me through testing times.

This time I don’t feel I need it. I feel like I am being my genuine self, am accepted for who I am, and most importantly, I feel my personality fits into the group and our environment. No need to.be someone I am not. Hired as the person they met on the day, it is only right I remain that person and no one else.

So, week 1 of learning has been an eye opener. Once again, classroom was never my favourite place to be back when I was at school, but I think I recall enjoying it for a long time until learning ended and I became bored. Dealing with the things I will eventually be dealing with, I can’t ever imagine a day when I feel I am not getting any mental stimulation.

My brain is currently digesting everything that has been thrown at it over the week. Most of which has been taken on board, some bits will need a recap, some homework, and practice to really solidify it in place.

The weekend will be a time to decompress, revise at times, and relax for a bit. Next week my plan is to get to work early, go for a run or use the on-site gym, then get stuck into learning. The last week has been quite limited for physical activities, so I want to get back on track. I think going back to starting my day with a run, walk or ride will set me up better for the day.

Right, I have rambled on, just needed to get some of those bits out of my head. Been meaning to blog the last few days but was focusing on getting some rest. I know however there are people who want to know what is going on, so this is for you.

Thanks for reading, thanks to the new place for the opportunity and welcome, and let’s get ready for Week 2.

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