Tag: work from home

Made redundant today.

Yup, that’s right, after 24 years working at the same place, in just two roles, a swiftly called meeting this afternoon wrapped it all up into a couple of neat sentences. Our role is to be “absorbed” into other operations, and therefore our services are no longer required. The end of service will be around March some time, but we are currently waiting on one-to-one consultations to find out more. There will of course be a compensations package. 

Before I carry on, by “today” I actually mean yesterday, but I have just been taking a bit of time to digest all of this before putting fingers to keys. Having thought over this overnight, I thought it would be best to write in a short series of entries, so not to miss anything out, or skate over some parts to keep the entry short. So I will start with the immediate thoughts, and feelings on the situation.

So here goes…
Since 2020 there have been some big changes in the company, closures, consolidations, and other cost saving measures. My team have avoided a couple of rounds of redundancies in the past, and I have to say I took the threat far worse then than I did recently. I am sure there are some blog entries to be found which reflect how badly I took the threat, and the poor mental state I was in at the time. It is actually quite incredible to look back at those times, and see the differences from then til now. 

This time however it was for real. In the weeks leading up to the announcement, there have been some warning signs, and on the actual day, the activities within the company in the morning indicated all was not well, and that there was bad news on the horizon. So when the email came in to say we were having a team meeting, including a senior, and HR, in the next 30 mins, with the whole team, I think it is fair to say the writing was on the wall. On the lead up to the meeting I was frantically messaging those closest to me saying I thought I was about to get made redundant, while at the same time in my head starting to process the news.

A year ago I would be a shaking, mumbling mess, of that I have no doubt. However as the meeting started, the faces of the managers said it all. No words were needed other than when and how much. However a sombre statement was read out, which detailed the reasoning for the decision, a rough time scale, and that support would be available and further meetings would be had with employees in the coming days and weeks to give individual details. Logging out of the meeting, I was officially aware that I was being made redundant, and obviously told my nearest and dearest immediately. While at the same time the IM’s came alive with messages from people in the same boat. 

From that point on, well it has been interesting. Obviously there is still a job to do, so you have to remain professional. But it is hard to avoid the fact you just got canned. There is no bitterness or bad feeling there for me. 24 years service (just missing out on my 25 year pay award, damnit!). I feel I have been treated fairly, paid well (something I will revisit), and having spent the last four years working from home, I honestly don’t think I could have asked for more. So I am strangely grateful for the opportunities and the journey.

The rest of the working day was strange, there was a eerie quietness about the place. No one talking much, communications to a minimum, with the occasional random question or statement, but that was about it.

For me, my brain sprang into motion, thankfully at a reasonable speed, and I started processing what this meant for me. Sitting at my expensive home office set up, which I paid for myself, the first thought was “what am I gonna do with this lot”. Not a major concern, a past expenditure now (apart from the chair), so something that I am sure will serve a purpose in the future one way or another. Then my mind turned to what comes next…

That is an interesting one for me, and I will go into my thoughts on that on the next entry maybe. However, there are a few points I want to make in this entry beforehand. 
I am more than aware my role has paid pretty well compared to the job market out there, and that the role itself has afforded me some luxuries. The biggest one being free time. Having worked part time for almost the past 15 years now, not starting til midday Monday to Friday. I have had plenty of time to spend with my thoughts, and had the freedom to exercise and escape for a while.

Obviously there is a bit of a reality check about to hit, and I am sure it is going to take some getting used to. Working longer days, maybe weekends, being paid less, and having to try harder to find time for my escapes. Escapes which I am positive have helped put me in the stronger mental health position that I am in today.

Of course, it is not just me in this flotilla of boats. As we all move away from this role, a lot of others are also going through the same processes, some I would hazard a guess, taking the news not quite as well as me, and seeing a dark road ahead right now. To them, I wish them the best, and hope they can take some time to reflect on how exceptional the last however many years have been, and hope they can make the required adjustments to find some light. 

And of course, I have to take a moment to recognise the changes this means to my home life too. No more being at home with the dogs all day, no more cosy home office. Back to seeing the wife in the morning and then again in the evening, depending of course on what path I take next. Lots of uncertainty, but very little worry or concern. With the suggestions of what the redundancy will be, I am confident I will have the time to make some careful decisions on what lays ahead, decide what path to take and what my future is, while being able to pay the bills to keep a roof over our heads in the meantime.  That’s the main things covered. 

I will wrap it up there. I just wanted to get my initial thoughts out there, reflect for a moment myself, and check in with myself to see if any feelings I was not aware of surfaced while writing this. I am pleased to report this is NOT the case, and that after writing this, I still feel headstrong and positive. Thank you to those of you who have already reached out with supportive words and reassurances that it will all be OK. 

Watch this space for the next instalment, where I will hopefully spit ball some ideas I have had.
Not how I saw this year going, but got to stick with the positives, like .. I might be able to buy a new bike now…woohoo!


Three years later, a look back and forward.

Three years ago this month I wrote a blog entry on my other blog, titled My case to remain working from home. At the time we were about 4 months into a global pandemic, restrictions were starting to lift for the first time, and things were starting to change, fast! Having started working from home at the very beginning if the Covid pandemic, I had now settled into my new routine, and apart from some physical wobbles with training and not being allowed to go out and cycle as much as I usually would, all was fantastic.

Now for the first time, the idea of returning to an office was becoming a reality, and it did NOT sit well with me, mentally. In the first couple of months of the situation it had been all new territory, all so unknown. How long does a pandemic last, when will normality return etc. The impression most had was, the weather would warm up, summer would come, and we would all go back to normal. Well, we know how that played out now don’t we. But in the moment, going back to the office was always on the cards.

Thankfully during 2020 there was no rush from my employer to get us back to the office. Realising it was still a dynamic situation, everyone was told to sit tight, for which I am eternally grateful. As time went on, I noticed more and more how much healthier I was both mentally and physically with working from home. My own little office, everything the way I wanted it, no noise, interruptions or irritations. For me, feeling mentally stable, with no anxiety on a day to day basis was my idea of paradise, and it was not something I was about to give up without a fight.

The end of the year came, Covid spiked, and into 2021 we went, still with uncertainty about getting normality back, never mind going back to an office environment. As we entered Spring of ’21 the talk of returning to the office started back up again. Talk of a hybrid working scheme, split between office and home for certain work groups. Conversations were being had at a higher level, with occasional vague communication to the team, but still nothing solid. Having been working with an internal mental health group, I put out a little survey to see how people felt about returning to an office. People from all different roles, and locations. Getting everything back, I wrote another blog, almost directed at the company and the decision makers, setting out my case for the WFH road ahead. Work From Home – The road ahead.

Now it had been a year since the start of the pandemic, and I had been working at home throughout. Myself and the rest of my team could certainly see the benefits. However both within and outside my group, concern was starting to be raised about the impact on peoples mental health. The lack of personal face to face interactions. Not so much causing problems for the role and the company, but for the people themselves. The company recognised this, as did many others, and provisions were made for those struggling to be able to safely return to the office. The bit I wasn’t hearing was what provisions were being made for those performing and feeling better OUT of the office. That’s because there didn’t seem to be much consideration for this side of things. Only the other way.

It was around this time, in the summer of ’21 that I started to make noises about it, and make the case that while some suffered, others thrived. Of course I wanted those struggling to be looked after, but I would like a voice too. Talking to HR, I set out my concerns for returning to an office as and when the time were to come. Little did I know even the thought of that was a long way off.  As consultations continued, there was talk of a new way, three groups of roles. Office based, hybrid, and remote. But again, there was no indication of who fell into what category. As summer came to an end, and the weather turned, lessons from 2020 were used, and the decision was made to sit tight for another winter, in case of a spike in cases. Yup, Covid was still rampant back then, you forget so quickly!

OK, so Spring 2022, it has now been a whole two years since Covid started. Two years working at home, and slowly but surely setting up a nicer and nicer office environment for myself. Spending my own money, and hoping dearly that we at least fell under hybrid, and would just be left to our own devices with regards to office days. 
Then finally, the day came, the official announcement was made, and we were….. Office based! WTF! How was this even possible, two years working from home, everything working perfectly, in fact better than ever, and somehow it was back to the office for us. Naturally this was not received well, and an immediate protest was made. A protest / appeal which a year later is still rattling on in 2023. 

In the past year, since that announcement I have been making my own case for remaining at home. My home office is better equipped than my work office was, my mental health is better than ever, as is my physical health, so why change that?

So, let me jump to the point of this blog, as in reality the summary above is just a recap of all the other blogs I wrote over this time period. Is working from home better or worse for MY mental health?
If you believe the mainstream and the masses, it is not possible to be better off mentally by being isolated away from people. Humans thrive with interactions, and face to face is far healthier. However things like this always fail to take into account the input from those with anxiety, who prefer to be introverts, and to put it plainly, just don’t like people. I fall into all the above categories, and was reminded of this with a couple of quick visits to the office for I.T reasons last year. Nope, nope and nope, given the choice, I choose NOT to be in an office. 

Over the past year I have been making my case to medical professionals, work HR dept, and my line manager, trying to explain why it would be detrimental to my mental health to return to working in an office. During that process I have had my first issue with anxiety in years, been back on medication, and am slowly coming back off them. Thankfully a couple of months back now, the decision was finally reached that due to mental health concerns, and the impact an office environment would have on my anxiety, I would officially remain working from home indefinitely.

Two points I would like to make. Firstly, the wording of the new agreement for working from home is far from ideal. Talking about it can be reversed at any time etc. But I understand this is a general remote working agreement, and does not specifically address the reasons for my change. So I am happy with that.

Secondly, some I am sure (I could name a few) will ask, why did you take an office job if you don’t like working in an office. And to that I say, Oooh Fuuu…. No no, seriously.
When I took the role I took it because I liked the challenge, and have loved the role ever since. During the 20 years I have done the role, a lot has changed, and I have been through a lot. Ups and downs in mental health, break-ups, losing loved ones etc, so it has been hard to quantify the impact the actual environment has on my well being.  With Covid I was suddenly removed from the toxic environment of an office, and finally able to set myself up the way it suited me, and no one else. 

From Day 1 it started to become apparent that just working alone made such a huge difference to me. Improved moods, better sleep, sharper in my role, not to mention my time keeping was perfect. Strangely the same can’t be said for everyone, even when only commuting to the next room, but hey! There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that working from home is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  The extra free time with no commute is a bonus, but the biggest take from it all is my mental health. Apart from the wobble late last year, caused by the indecision of the company and HR being unable to decide if I could stay working from home or not, my mental health has been impeccable, as has my physical health in general too. They go hand in hand, happy mind, healthy body.

So there we have it, I am happy as a pig in shit, working from home, having spent thousands of pounds of my own money making my home office the perfect working environment for me and my little mind. As for the rest of the team. Well, they await their fate, still hanging on to remaining at home, but with the shadow of uncertainly hanging over them every day. A shadow which weighed as much as a mountain when it hung over me. As far as I know, no one else has made their case to remain at home regardless of decision, so I am truly thankfully that I am out of the shadows now. Some believe that now that the company is actively returning to the office in the USA, the UK and Europe will soon follow suit. Whatever happens, I know what my situation is now.

Yours smugly

Anyway, thank you for reading. Interesting fact, I only wrote four entries in this blog in 2020 and four on my other blog too. Crazy, only eight blog entries in the year the world went into lockdown ! What was I thinking.

It’s official!

As of 8.15 this morning, I officially work from home…. Permanently! With the exception of infrequent meetings at the office, or location based training.

I had a meeting scheduled for 11.30 this morning with HR and my manager already, so was expecting news today at some point. However last night on checking my work email I saw a late email from HR saying they were trying to call me. I emailed an up to date mobile number to them in case they wanted to call then.

This morning I checked my phone and had missed a call from HR. The dread started immediately, and the playing of conversations in my head spun up to speed. Checking my email I saw one from HR saying my manager was off sick, and that HR would try to call me.

The first way my mind played this out was to think that the meeting would be postponed and the decision would not be revealed until all parties were on the call. This is my mind of doom we are talking about here.

Not giving my mind time to run away any further, I called HR back. She said that my manager was off sick at the moment and they had decided to postpone the meeting until he was back in the business.. The voices were loud… “I KNEW IT!” However she went on to add that she did have news and wanted to let me know that I would be working from home, permanently from here on in.

A meeting is still needed to formalise all of this and sort out the finer details. Notice for meeting at location etc. Not to mention any provision the company might make for my arrangement. So I still have a few hoops to jump through, but the main flaming one is done.

I guess at this point I am meant to feel some sort of emotion, however I feel nothing much right now, with exception of course to feeling like my anxiety has packed up and gone away. Most of it anyway. It is a relief, a weight has certainly been lifted, but there is no joy, exhilaration, or anything like that. Not yet anyway.

Now hopefully I can focus more on my own well-being.

Phew, that’s better.

Thank you to everyone who has played a role in this. From advice, to counselling, general support, and of course for those in the business for getting everything done. It hasn’t been an easy road at all, but now we are here I can see that every action has its part to play.

Getting things straight while I wait.

Following on from yesterdays frustrations, I thought I would put my thoughts down here, as I have all along through this process. Yesterdays interaction was counter-productive, and I have to say had a horrible impact on my state of mind. Something I have long tried to avoid, but the situation yesterday felt so dire that it put me into a bit of a tailspin. Last nights sleep was poor, and today I feel a bit twitchy and edgy while I wait to hear back from any one of the parties involved. 

Going back through the timeline of all this, and making notes for my reference, I feel even more annoyed about it all now, than I did yesterday. 

In May 2021 I first started conversations with HR about the road ahead. Highlighting how different my life had become since lockdown, and how it felt almost impossible to return to that way of working, knowing my mental health would suffer for it. Initial responses were good, but at that point we were a long way from getting back to an office, let alone normal lives, so it is easy to say.

At this time I also started a series of blog entries expressing how I was feeling, and what my dream of the future was for work. Life was now so different, and I felt like a new man. 

By May 2022, as the world started to get back up to speed, and everyone started to find out what the new normal was for them, I waited. With the company still working on their new hybrid working scheme, no one knew which work groups would end up with different arrangements. Around this time we were informed there were three groups, office, hybrid and remote. Until now we had been remote throughout Covid, and with no short fallings in our work flow. Proving we were an effective team working remotely. Remembering of course that our role is a remote one regardless of if we are in an office or not, as our workforce is nationwide. 

With all the chatter and rumours, I reached out to my HR and expressed my concerns, explained how I felt, and tried to get some clarification on what direction we would go in. Sadly no one had the answers, but I was assured that consideration would be given when the time came. 

Early July 2022, we were told that the decision was imminent, and we would know very soon. Sure enough by the 19th of July we received word, and it was not good.  At this point I forwarded an email to HR which I had pre-written for this exact situation. Knowing my mind would be all over the place, writing would be impossible, so “here’s one I made earlier”. The next day I received a comprehensive reply, recognising my concerns, and telling me the following…

we will always support anyone with a disability and look at reasonable adjustments. I am not sure if you have been to our occupational health provider previously, but we will need to send you to our occupational health provider to understand if you have a disability and what that disability is and get some professional advice on what we need to know as employers. Once we receive a report back, we can then have a discussion on what is next, but without this we are unable to determine if you will continue to work from home or return to the office.


Sounds simple enough, right? A formality and one I completely accepted, and embraced. After all it would be good to get the opinion of an expert on this, so I wasn’t to feel like an entitled brat. One was arranged for 16th Aug 2022. While I was waiting on this appointment to come around, growing ever anxious, and it really starting to affect my day to day life, I spoke with my GP. This was on July 27th 2022. At this point she recommended medication and a referral to IAPT. A couple of weeks later I had my Occupational Health appointment, and was told the report would follow shortly. Without going into detail, the report was very supportive and understanding of my situation, and very clear in its intention.

A few days later I received a paper copy of the report, and HR would have received their copy too, via email or post I am not sure. None the less, I received NOTHING back as far as HR was concerned. The report they had requested, and since received got no recognition from them at all. So on the 9th Sept 2022 I emailed my HR and asked for an update and confirmation that they had received the report. Along with an update from my GP, noting I was now on medication due to the anxiety caused by waiting and waiting. The reply was a short and sweet one, and basically told me that I now had a new HR rep, and that it was all being handed over to her. Getting this information I forwarded my last email to her, and introduced myself and my situation. 

I received a reply from the new rep the next morning, saying she would get back to me shortly, and just clarifying the source of my OH report. A few days passed and I had heard nothing, so I followed up with her again, and politely asked for…

Even just an idea of when I can expect a decision to be made about my situation, so I can try and get things under control would be appreciated. 
At this point it has been 3 weeks since the report was sent, and I have heard nothing.. 

I received a reply apologising for the delay, that she had been on leave and was catching up on emails, but had reached out to my line manager for more information. That was the last I heard. From Sept 12th 2022, I didn’t hear another word from HR. I occasionally caught up with my manager to try and get updates, but really didn’t get anything other than he was waiting on HR to update him. On the 14th of Sept, during a follow up assessment with my GP, my medication was increased and it was recommended that I not work for a while, and I was subsequently signed off sick on Sept 20th.

After seven weeks or so off sick, I returned to work, hopeful that having seen how bad things were getting, the matter would receive some attention and be sped up. I returned to work in early Nov 2022, and once again heard nothing. On the 3rd Jan 2023 I emailed my HR and line manager with a comprehensive timeline of events, long details of what had happened, what I was waiting on and who had said what, along with prodding a bit that the report had been received back in August of 2022. While I received a reply from my manager, the only thing I got from HR was an auto response.

I am out of the office on  29th December to 5th January 2022 with no  access to my emails.  I will respond to your email on my return    

You may note that it says Jan 5th 2022, that should actually read 2023. It is irrelevant though, as I received no reply whatsoever. In fact I heard nothing from HR on the matter until I chased it all up once again on, wait for it, 3rd March 2023. I sent a few emails that day, to various levels of people in the business, all with varying points and requests. Keeping it polite and professional, I asked my HR…

Further to the attached email dated 03/01/23 , I just wondered if you had had a chance to follow up on my PHC report.
It has been quite a while now, and I would really like to get this whole matter wrapped up for the sake of my sanity.
I would appreciate it if you can drop me an email and let me know the current situation.

I received a swift response for which I was grateful.

I have been away from the business and just returned today. I am catching up with emails. I will come back to you  as soon as possible

Within a couple of days I had established via my manager that there was a meeting taking place between himself and HR soon, so I once again emailed HR and asked if we could speak prior to this, so I could ensure all my concerns were being addressed. You may have already seen my blog from yesterday expressing my dismay at the outcome of my conversation, but in case you missed it, I shall summarise.

HR seemed blissfully unaware of who I was, what I did, what issues I faced. Not to mention unsure of the time I had been off sick, the content of the HR report, or what indeed I was even waiting for. Expressing they were not sure a WFH role was ever fully WFH. Having waited since last August, when my case was handed over, my OH report was received and I had ultimately been off sick, it felt like I was insignificant, and it was almost an attempt to  “leave him long enough and he will fuck off”. That is truly how it felt, and indeed currently feels. 

Instead of feeling like I have been patient with a process of due course, which ultimately has my health and sanity at its heart, it feels like I am an entitled, pestering arsehole, who is joked about amidst the ranks, and frowned upon. Needless to say that is devastating to my mental state, and no matter how hard I try to deny it, has affected me deeply. 

I am told that meetings are taking place today to discuss the situation, my manager has also expressed frustrations at how long it is all taking. Senior HR are aware of my feelings on the matter, so right now I have done all I can to try and push things along. To my knowledge a senior Ops manager is also involved in todays meeting, although I am unsure if my situation is on his agenda, it is an opportunity to discuss it with someone in a position to make a decision. Senior HR are also involved to a level that the decision can be made from their side too. So in reality, with all those who can, now aware… What exactly am I waiting for now?  This is where my main frustration lays now. 

The longer I wait, the harder it gets to sleep, and function day to day, and I am simply not willing to put my mental and physical health on the line because certain parties simply cannot be bothered to move things along in a timely manner. Should things persist, and no progress be made, I will not hesitate to speak with my GP again. 

I have been told by a number of parties involved in todays meetings that I will hear an update today via email or call. While I don’t expect a final decision, I would at least hope that an email will be received as promised. Although I am not going to hold my breath with the above timeline in mind. 

Thank you so much if you have made it to the end of this rant. I really appreciate it.
While I know it is probably frowned upon to openly publish things like this, and employers may not like it, I am using this blog to timestamp and record my feelings in relation to the constant delays in resolving this matter. 





So, what now? What’s happening?

Fresh from being discharged from CBT, I am now flying solo again. Just me and my meds, getting by each day, doing my own thing, and trying to live my best life using the new found skills and self belief. But what does that look like, and what is the road ahead for me. 

Before we look forward, let’s take a quick look backwards to before all this started. And by this I mean my massive flare up of anxiety, which lead to seeing a GP, being put on meds, being referred to the company doctor Occupational Health, getting urgently referred to CBT, etc.

Around July of 2022, as I was planning a few days off work, we were told that the company was looking to get us all back to the office full time, in the not to distant future. Our workgroup had NOT been deemed WFH or Hybrid. This set off a massive chain reaction for me, causing a huge increase in anxiety, and for the first time in a long time issues with my mental health and wellbeing. Highlighting this to my manager, and HR manager, I was told that an appeal had been lodged to get the powers that be to reconsider their position on the matter. This could take some time, we were told. 

Keen to get a grip on the situation I discussed with HR my concerns about returning to the office, the impact I felt it would have on my mental health, and my long history with anxiety and depression. Swiftly told that this would be considered, I felt some comfort, but not for long.
I was then told that I should speak with the company OH service to get their take on my situation. Feeling as if I was being tricked somehow, I felt severely anxious about this appointment, as HR had advised me that it was pretty much up to OH to advise HR on what do next.

By August I had an appointment with PHC, the company doctor and OH service. I had built myself up into a frenzy about how the consult would go, but was quite surprised by it all. I have written a separate blog about this, which remains unpublished due to the delays, which I will get to. However I did feel understood and supported by the doctor, I will leave it at that. Now all I had to do was wait for a copy of the report and see how the company would respond. A few weeks later in early Sept the report arrived. I had a read through, understood what it said, and the implications of it, and awaited a response from management… Nothing!

A week or so passed, I sent an email asking what the company was doing based on the report, and got very little back. Confirmation it has been received and read, and much to my dismay, notification that the HR who has sent me to OH in the first place was no longer my HR manager, and my new one was on annual leave. Perfect. 
By this stage, riddled with anxiety, and feeling like I had nowhere to go, worrying that the silence was actually the company plotting against me, unhappy with the OH report, I made an appointment with my GP, and told my manager and HR that this is what it had come to. 
What I found most incredible about the whole situation is that I was suffering with anxiety, telling them about it, and being left hanging, to become even more anxious.

The day of the GP appointment arrived, and quite unexpectedly, the GP immediately prescribed medication for me, a new type I was not familiar with, and signed me off work with immediate effect. Returning home from the appointment I emailed my manager and HR telling them of the outcome, and the sadness I felt at being prescribed medication for the first time in years. Seeing as the whole situation felt induced by the uncertainty of returning to the office, it was like I was now going to have to medicate to continue to be able to function. All that was needed to prevent this was an email of reassurance, and one with a plan of action. Not immediate change, not everything my own way. Just a simple notice of intentions, and how things would happen moving forwards. But alas this seemed to much.

In total I was signed off for about 7 weeks. During which time I was referred to the local mental health services, and started a 12 week CBT course, which is now completed. 
During the time I was off there were a number of email exchanges between myself and both HR and my manager, however none of these produced anything along the lines of a definitive answer as to what was happening next. Verbal conversations confirmed once again that the report was read and understood, and the company would comply with the recommendations, but as far as anything in writing that I could refer back to officially, nope, nadda, nothing.

Returning to work, it was understood that due to the medication my mind was a bit wobbly, and that my input would be limited until I found my feet again, I appreciated the support I received during this time for sure. However normal service soon resumed, and all communication about my situation fell silent. 

It is now the end of December. 19 weeks since I was assessed by the company OH doctor, 16 weeks since the company received the report from the OH, and still absolutely nothing to confirm what the plan is moving forward. We have of course used the “no news is good news” phrase a number of times. While the company continue to decide the appeal process of the entire work group, we remain working at home, which of course is a blessing. But it is not a definitive answer, and doesn’t quash the anxiety I feel every day from thinking about all the “what if’s” involved. I remain on medication for the anxiety caused by this situation. Something which is bitter sweet, as it feels like I would not be in this situation had the company acted swiftly and definitively on receiving the report from OH, which THEY requested in the first place.

There is of course a complication in this matter, which I appreciate and accept 100%. That is “me vs the group”. While all this is going on the management are working at the appeal to get the decision for the whole workgroup overturned, and changed to WFH. This while it sounds simple has far reaching implications, and requires a lot of changes to be made company wide, at least as far as the UK is concerned, maybe even Europe. It sounds simple enough, tell the group who are at home, they can stay there. However it requires changes to job description, equipment provided, scope of the role, not to mention the position being recognised as a WFH role moving forward for any recruitment purposes etc. There is a lot to deal with and decide on, I get that.
With OH report in one hand, medication in the other, and my head in between both of them, all I want is an agreement in principle, that regardless of the decision for the group, the decision for ME will be unaffected. And that moving forward, whether it be after the decision for the group is made, or prior to that for me alone, they will take the advice of the OH report, and make changes accordingly.

“Dear Michael, as you know there is an ongoing process that could take some time to resolve regarding your workgroups position as WFH. However, please accept my assurances that the OH report has been read and understood, and moving forward it is our plan for you to…….”

Is that really so hard? I don’t get what the issue is. I have said numerous times now to HR and my manager that something as simple as this, assurances in principle would go a long way to put my mind at rest, and help me on the road to recovery. Regardless of the group outcome, I am told changes will be needed for me to bring things into line with the companys policies. I get that, and right now, I am happy with the changes I have made for myself to accommodate working from home. I have spent quite a bit on a home office set up, separate phoneline for work calls, multiscreen set up, standing desk etc. Far better than I had at the office, and items I am quite happy to have paid for for myself. 

With all that in mind, the ask is a simple one, yet after 4-5 months I am still none the wiser. 
As we approach the end of the year, I am putting things to the back of my mind, I know my options moving forwards, and I am in control whatever the outcome. So with a positive mindset, which is quite the accomplishment for me, I will roll into 2023 with hope in my mind, and fire in my belly. Come January I am going to open the can of worms and shake it all over the place, until I find the one I was looking for. 

The situation for me in general, well for now I will remain on the meds until things at work are resolved. I have wondered a couple of times if I want another dose review or not. Part of me is aware that settling in the evenings is becoming more problematic again, however actual sleep, and my ability to shut down negative thoughts is much improved. My thought process and cognitive function however has made a fight back and is at a manageable level. Concentration is still a struggle for me, the number of times I have had to ask Ann to repeat herself has increased no end. And I still struggle with conflicting sounds, causing my mind to just shut down for a bit.
So maybe I am just at the sweetspot for meds right now, and should settle for taking a little longer to get settled and off to sleep at night?

There is of course the other issue of what is caused by the anxiety and meds, and what is caused by other factors or conditions? Something I may still look further into next year, but for now, I am at peace with myself and able to have a happy life. I can still ride my bike, and plan to get some running back in my routine next year.

So lets see what is indeed next… Time will tell, it always does. 


The fine line defined

On my current journey with anxiety and my mental health, I have once again made some interesting discoveries. The first being with the medication. I have felt over the past few weeks that the control I have over my moods is all my own doing, and that the relatively low dose of meds might not be worth while. However after a recent late evening wobble, and the panic setting in that I would dwell on it for weeks and not be able to sleep at all that night, I slept fine. Now I am not saying this was all down to the medication, as I know for a fact I was using techniques to distract myself from the subject. However feeling like I was going to struggle, then discovering I was actually doing OK was just a reminder of the mental numbness the meds provide. Ideal for situations just like this. I am happy to report that I have been OK with it all since too, although a little annoyed when it pops back into my head. 

So between the meds and my new found skills and techniques to deal with unwanted thoughts, I have done well, and am thankful to be on the meds. My plan to try and ease off them any time soon has been put to one side, as it seems that this is a good balance for me, especially as my mental clarity returns, allowing me to be able to write and vent again. 

Recently though, while working with the therapist on goals and what I want to achieve from this round of CBT, my goalposts have moved a little with the realisation of a couple of different factors. 
Firstly with setting goals I am encouraged to push my limits and try things I generally avoid. Tackling social situations which cause me anxiety, in order to experience them and learn from them. The aim here is basically exposure therapy, becoming more familiar and comfortable with certain situations, and trying to chip away at the pre event anxiety by reinforcing my thoughts with positive experiences. 

The second part is about me and my familiarity with certain aspects of my day to day life. When something flares up, you tend to focus on that issue, and put all the other things aside for a while. Attributing everything to that one single issue, and making it the source of all evil which needs to be overcome. In all the noise of CBT and the positive strides I am making, I had forgotten about so many other aspects of day to day life for me, and other issues I deal with. Kidding myself for a moment that if I can overcome the issues addressed in my CBT, I will be a new man… But that is NOT the case. 

As my mind clears, and I start to get back to my normal activities, I am able to ask myself questions about what I want from life, and answer myself honestly, without any sort of perfection pipe dream ideas. 

What got me thinking about all this was working from home. Sorry, but don’t panic, it isn’t going to turn into a post about that, although I should say I have not heard a word about WFH since returning to work from my sickness a while back. Not even the promised check in calls. Oh well!
No, instead this is about the isolation aspect of WFH, as many have spoken of MH issues arising from spending so much time alone, you may recall I actually said I had seen benefits. 

I took an afternoon to consider if it was actually having any negative impacts on me at all. On days with crappy weather, with no commute to do, I will generally stay indoors 99% of the day. Maybe spending a while in the garden with the dogs a few times a day, but nothing more. But is that a bad thing? To have a restful day, relaxing the mind and body for a bit? Some would argue that it is detrimental to someones wellbeing to be isolated like that, but in reality it is downtime for me, and something I need plenty of. In fact I would go so far as to say, having this level of control over my engagements with others is a wonderful thing. Another example of how I control my interactions, sending packages. I would rather pay more to send something to someone and use an automated drop box, than go into a local store to drop off something. A tiny interaction, but one I would rather not do. Am I afraid, anxious, or just anti-social, that is hard to say, but I will address it later. But in short, after careful consideration, NO, I don’t see WFH as a negative for me, in fact I stand by my original feelings about it, and I think it is definitely a positive. 

The next thing to look at is socialising, as it is something that my CBT has focused on over the past eight weeks or so. As the sessions have progressed I have been called on to take a look at my social skills, and how they could improve for me. I think the main reason for this goes back to my first talk with the GP, and mentioning being in an office environment made me feel anxious. As we discussed this, she focused on the social aspect of the anxiety, which is fair enough, but we didn’t touch on my more general anxieties, and other bits. This passed over to the MH experts and my CBT became focused on the social part, rather than broader anxiety, and that is how it has stayed. 

As the sessions have gone by, there is no denying I have gained some valuable tools for dealing with social situations I find myself in, however I feel like there are other issues I have, and struggle with that are overlooked by this focus. To this extent the sessions are feeling almost non productive at times now, and dealing with things I would not likely choose to encounter, and avoid for reasons other than anxiety as such. Although it may be generalised as that.

One of the things that I have recently been reminded of is how noise affects me. This is where the divide of anxiety and other starts to show up. For me noise, be it environmental or other sounds such as music, or even just loud conversation, is something that really impacts my state of mind. To be clear, it is not simply loud noises, I love a concert as much as the next person (artist and environment allowing). For me it is more about noise clashes. A few examples maybe

Listening to music, and hearing other sounds, music or conversation over the top of it
Watching TV, and someone speaking at the same time
Busy environments with lots of talking, laughter, screaming. (shopping centres etc)
In short, noise clashes, be they natural or man made. My brain struggles to process them, I get frustrated and then feel almost anxious, and want to escape the area. I have tried many times on focusing on one sound, trying to zone out, but it is very difficult for me to do, especially if I am already in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable environment. 

This combined with crowded spaces with lots of people moving around is an absolute nightmare for me. With regards to places like concerts, getting in and out is horrible, but actually being there in the moment is fine, or at least worth the effort of staying calm for. Like many things, it is all about the cost to me in mental energy. If it is something I want to do badly enough, I will put myself through hell to be in that moment, and worry about the cost later. But to be in a situation I don’t like, then suffer the same drain of energy feels like a fail and absolute torture. 

With all the above in mind, I am left back at the same point I was before the latest bout of anxiety, and that is wondering what else there is to it, other than just anxiety. 
A while back I considered some testing for other things like Autism. Not for a diagnosis, or any sort of weird labelling exercise, but to better understand what the strange combinations of symptoms and quirks I have, and what they amount to. Just to understand it for myself and help me make better decisions moving forward. So in the new year, after CBT is all done, and I have a fresher head on my shoulders I may once again look into getting some private testing done. Curiosity not cure is my mantra for this. 

When all is said and done, and coming back to the title of the entry, I am keen to discover a few things, such as what is down to my general anxiety, and what is down to something else. What can I have some control over, and what ultimately has control over me. And most importantly, how do I adjust my life/ behaviours, and educate others around me to my particular needs. I don’t want to be the guy who simply dismisses things without trying them, in fear of what might happen. I know that is something I can both control and do better with. But I also know that certain settings are simply not my thing, and regardless of reason or excuse, I wish to avoid them at all costs.

Lots more to say on some of this, but feel I have gone on long enough now and am just rambling, so will call it a day here. I am keen to get a couple of other entries done soon, but going to let the brain rest for a bit, so I don’t write absolute trash.

Interesting side note, I have been writing this during quiet moments between work. Which to me is huge, to be able to switch my thought processed so effectively again is a great feeling. 

Thanks as ever for reading. 

Unexpected wobble!

I have been working from home now for…errm… 33 months thereabouts. In that time, since the initial testing the PC would work remotely, then returning to the office, I have only been back to the office once. That was to collect a few things I needed, just to clear out my desk so to speak. In that time a lot has happened, and as some readers of the blog will know, I have realised that working in the office environment has long been a source of anxiety for me, and was affecting my quality of life. Due to Covid and the whole Work From Home thing, I have literally had a news lease of life handed to me, being able to do my job, while not having to go to the office and be around others. 

Well, that WAS the case….
Yesterday, logging onto the work computer, username, password, enter…. Wait….. ERROR!
Hmmm, try again, ERROR!
Reading the error it said that “signing in on this credential is not possible, as we cannot access the required domain” In other words, the PC would not connect to my work network. Shit!!!

Thinking it might be an internet connection problem, I tried the alternative internet connections I have. I have a total of five available, so went through them one by one. Nope, nope, nope! Checking with people in the team to see if anyone else had problems, it appeared it was just me. Double damnit. Checking my other PC on the same internet connection all was well, so it wasn’t that. Then I remembered, when we started working from home, one or two of the PC’s got a little homesick and decided they wanted to be plugged back into the mothership, aka the LAN connection in the office. Once this had been done, they worked fine again.

You know what this means… I was going to have to go to the office. As soon as it became apparent, my anxiety went through the roof. I have spent two years battling to stay at home, I am 99% of the way there to be permanent, once work can commit to writing, but because of my poor PC feeling homesick, I would have to go in. Not how I saw my day going. Having told the team what the situation was, I started to get the bits together that I would need to take into the office, to connect, and check the remote access once there. Grabbing a bag, I spiralled into a blind panic, getting tangled in cables, becoming confused about what I needed to take with me, and could feel my heart pounding.

Now I know some will be thinking, “get a grip”, but quite frankly, I have been trying to do that for years now, and prefer the way things work currently, without the need for added stress like this. It is the first time in quite a while that my mind has spun up and instantly out of control, and to feel that way again makes me feel physically sick and panicked. Finally getting myself as together as I could I headed out. As soon as I started the car, I could feel myself almost tingling with anxiety. Immediately wondering who will be there, who will see me, what will they think, what will I say, and so much more.

For the next 30 mins, driving to the office in quite heavy traffic, I kept having to bring my thoughts back to the moment, and stop thinking about what would happen next. South London roads are not the place to lose your concentration. Finally arriving in the area, I needed to find somewhere to park. A lot has changed around there in the past few years, and most roads are permit parking. Falling back to an old faithful space I got parked. Lifting the bag from the footwell, it felt 10x heavier than putting it in the car. Like my mind was trying to prevent me from going through with this. Locking the car and walking away, I could feel my heart racing now, sweaty hands, and a million thoughts rushing through my mind. Getting closer and closer, I just continued to feel worse. 

Seeing the building in the distance, I focused on the moment, and tried not to give myself time to think, walking quickly, reaching the door and hitting the buzzer before I could blink. After what seemed an eternity, the door clicked and in I walked. Greeted by a colleague I have not seen for maybe a couple of years, I switched on my game face, and instantly became my work persona. I could feel the switch, and can honestly say I really didn’t like who I was being, but its the happy go lucky Michael they all expect, so that is the character I needed to play to get through this. Almost like an imposter, I chatted as I moved through the building, ticking off the social politeness requirements, before scurrying off to the old office and getting sorted. 

Walking into the office was a relief. Taking a moment at the door to see that no one was in there, and no other lights were on on the floor, I could breathe for a minute, knowing I was alone. As I stood there in the doorway, I felt a moment of relief, then a wave of familiarity. Not just from being back in the office, a place I have worked for many years, but also familiarity of how draining that whole routine felt every day. Running the gauntlet of the ground floor, walking into the office on the 2nd floor, and wondering which colleagues would be in the office that day, taking a minute between floors to gear myself up, and get my game face on, before becomes fake me for the next six hours. 

One good thing that did come from this whole “adventure” was the confirmation of how I feel about the whole workplace environment. This was not walking into a strange place, not meeting strange people, none of the usual things that we are anxious about. I was feeling this way purely in the expectation of the old “normal”. Confirming that I am 100% not an office kinda guy. It was not all in my mind, it was not something I had made up in the early months of WFH, this is real, and it makes me feel mentally and physically ill. 

OK, I am in! Like a hacker from a movie, it was time to do my thing. Putting my backpack on the desk, and starting to unpack leads, peripherals etc I instantly realised I had screwed up when packing. With everything laid out on the desk, I realised that I didn’t have my Wi-Fi dongle, therefore would not be able to test the remote login software to check the VPN connection was available. Great! So at best, I would restore my connection to the work network via a LAN connection, go back home and still not be able to access it. Thankfully I had one thing I could check. While at home with the PC not logging in, I was unable to sign into my work email on my phone. Once I had plugged the PC in and managed to sign in, I again tried my phone and to my relief, it signed in this time. Obviously something was blocking my user access to the network, and plugging in had sorted it. 

Seeing all my applications opening without issue, I didn’t waste another second. I signed out, powered the PC down, and packed up, opting to leave the building the quiet way this time, bypassing all the other people, and avoiding the need to use my fake face anymore. Stepping out of the building and heading for the car, I felt like I had just pulled off a heist, and almost wanted to break into a sprint. I refrained of course. Getting back to the car, sitting down and taking a moment to settle, I could feel the stress draining from my body, my heart calming down, and felt like I could focus again on the things around me. It felt like an hour long panic attack was finally ending, and I was starting to regain control of my faculties. The drive home seemed so much more relaxed, window down, fresh air (as fresh as it gets around here), and music on. Picturing walking back into my home office and getting settled again. 

That was of course until I started wondering if it WOULD sign back onto the network remotely, would it work on my Wi-Fi, could I plug the LAN back in, or would that throw it all out again? Yup, classic over thinker, how to mess yourself up even when everything is well. 

I got home, grabbed a drink, and set everything back up again, opting not to use the LAN connection just yet, and see how things worked on Wi-Fi. I am happy to report that it all signed in fine, and I was back working again within two hours of it all going wrong. Quicker than most have managed I will add.

For the rest of the day I felt a little wound up, and more stressed than I have for quite some time. Looking at my HR and measured stress levels for the period they were all elevated. That was from briefly walking through a room of people before escaping to the quiet of a familiar office. The strange and sad part is though, that evening it felt like I had just got home from a whole day in the office. In need to unwind and relax before I could get back to being myself. 

It just felt so familiar, and as I said before, confirmed how little I like being in that environment.

Which brings me back to, waiting to hear back from work. Many calls have been missed now, and I still have heard nothing back from HR about the progress of my personal situation. Given that the not knowing caused a spiral and me to be off sick for a period, I was hoping it would be taken more seriously, but alas no.


Anyway, better get on.. Thanks as ever for reading. Normal service has now resumed. 

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho…

It’s back to work I go…

It has been a while, in fact it feels like an eternity if I am honest, both since working, and writing anything. But lets focus on them one at a time. 

I have been off sick from work since mid-way through September, when the anxiety all got too much for me, and my mind went pop. Signed off by the GP immediately, and put onto meds, and into therapy, the past 6 or so weeks have been one heck of a journey. And it’s not over yet, far from it. I was late starting the meds due to reluctance to getting back onto a long course of medication for what felt like a short term glitch. However with no sign of the glitch being sorted any time soon, I decided getting on the meds was the right way to go, and thus far it has been the right decision. CBT has helped too, and I am planning an entry about that too, I just have to get my mind to work right to try and make sense of it all. 

Getting back to work has always been at the front of my mind, as with previous episodes, work has always offered me a sense of routine, and helped my structure my days even at the worst of times. So it is quite a relief to reach this point. That said, it is not easy! 
Right now my brain simply refuses to play ball, mostly because of the medication. Describing its effects to my therapist yesterday I think I hit the nail on the head explaining the difference between my current medicated and non medicated states.

Without meds I have what I would describe as a large Las Vegas style neon sign in my head. This lights up with all sorts of worries, both important and unimportant at the most inopportune times. When I am trying to sleep, it will over power my thoughts and make sure it is the only thing I can think about. 
With meds the sign goes out, and we swap the Vegas strip for a casino, and the slot machines. Now, when I try and think about something it is like hitting START or pulling the arm on a fruit machine, the reels start spinning, the icons become and blur and a thousand images / thoughts run through my head every second. Trying to focus on one topic is like trying to pick out the cherrys symbol on all three reels at the same time, impossible!

I hope that makes some sense, as in my head it makes perfect sense.
Usually when in a normal state of mind, without medication, I am able to focus quite well at the job in hand, or stay part of a conversation. However currently I can barely stay focused for one sentence. During my CBT yesterday I kept drifting away during the discussions, and had to ask for things to be repeated as I just could not take in what was being said. 

Last weekend a few small packages arrived for my for my office. Three simple monitor stands, comprising of 4 pieces of wood, and a few fittings. To say I felt a massive sense of achievement from putting a couple of them together is an understatement. Staying in the moment for 5 mins, focused enough to look at the instructions, make sense of them and put it all together was fantastic and a real boost for my confidence. Which was perfect timing as a few days later I was returning to work, so at least I was not worried I could not concentrate at all.

I have managed two days now working, and I have to say it is draining. Not as bad as it would have been a week or more ago, but I am VERY aware of how much energy it is taking to keep my head in the game. Again, it feels like I have accomplished something far more than doing a days work. 

That brings me to the writing side of things. As a coping mechanism it is great for me, so at times when I am less creative and unable to put too much down in writing, it is a bit of a set back for me. Not being able to get rid of the thoughts that weigh heavily on me takes it toll. So sitting here writing this now feels fantastic, and like I am starting to get a little bit of my sparkle back. But I won’t get too carried away just yet. There is a big difference between a little clarity, and feeling better over all. 

During the past few weeks, I have so many things I wanted to write, but just not had the thought process to put anything worthwhile together, and after 10 mins of not putting anything in writing, the thoughts are gone again, so a few missed opportunities which will hopefully come back to me at a later date. 

I am now staring blankly at the screen again, so think it is best to leave it there for now. 

Thanks for reading, thank you to everyone who has lent an ear, chatted on IM and even given me a hug. 🙂 

It’s all just a blur!

The past few days have been a bit full on to say the least. After a long week of cycling last week, Sunday came around and it was time to complete the 26.2 miles of the Virtual London Marathon. With my head in the clouds and my mood in the gutter it was always going to be challenging. But with the increased lack of activity in my brain (does that even make sense? Increased lack?) it was even harder to make sense of what was going on, let alone stay in the right frame of mind to put myself through the mill to complete the task. Long story short, I did, just about. 18 miles mainly run, the last 8 walked. Got there in the end. Finishing a little deflated with the time, but in the circumstances I am taking it as a win. Six and a half hours. Sub six is the goal if I ever bother again.

Then there is the increase in meds, dose doubled, from Monday, which is a good thing as my brain continues to play games and stress me over nothing. That said, the brain numbness is definitely setting in now. My attention span is non existent, and I have to apologise at the start of conversations in case I tune out mid sentence. The first couple of days with the meds increasing I could feel the wooziness, and the absolute lack of attention and focus I now have. To the point of choosing not to drive. I haven’t cycled either, but that is not through lack of want, just lack of useable legs right now! I have however been sleeping a lot better, broken but longer durations. Although the past couple of nights I have struggled to settle at first.

Yesterday was pretty full on. Ann returned to work after being off with her breathing for the past couple of weeks, during and post Covid. However this was short lived as she was back home quickly, and after a chat with 111 the ambulance was on its way. Meanwhile I was preparing for my 3rd CBT session. I subsequently rescheduled that as the ambulance was sure to arrive in the middle of it. Which by the clock, it actually did, so well played me. Back to CBT next week.  Ann was whisked away to hospital for further checks, while I went out for a quick walk to clear my head, before heading to the hospital. 

On arriving at the hospital and finding Ann in A&E, I received an email from work. It was just a quick catch up, but the content of it was quite good. In short it says “HR agree you should remain WFH”. Which is what I really needed to hear, so that is massive and positive. But remember how I said I could turn anything negative, well in a flash… My brain went to, “but for how long”, “is this just a play on words”, “will me being off sick affect their decision” and many more negative thoughts. 
I do however have a catch up meeting on Teams with my boss on Friday, so can address some of my concerns again then. I just need to remember to write them down as I think of them, or I will just forget them in the moment. I really can’t remember anything at the moment. 

Right now the way my brain is, I can type this as long as I rely on touch typing, and don’t try and look at the keyboard. If I do, all the letters and keys float around and I have to chase them to type. It all feels very unpleasant indeed.

Going back to how I am feeling, and how the meds are affecting me, I spoke with the GP again at the start of the week, and it has been agreed that my absence from work should be extended a little while longer, to allow things to settle down in the grey matter, and for me to level out a bit before trying to actually function on a useful level. If I tried to work now, I would probably just stare at the screen and be completely unable to decide what to do next. How can you write a blog in that case I hear some of you ask… Well, first off, badly!
Secondly, this is me focusing just on what is in my head, and using my instincts and muscle memory to hammer it out on a familiar keyboard. I am sure there are typos in here. Hard to explain, but to get these thoughts out of my head is actually beneficial to my well-being, as oppose to working myself up over things with work.
So the extra time off will hopefully allow me to get some fresh air, clear my head, find some balance, and maybe even get some more news from work about how things are progressing. 

I am sure there were more things I wanted to say, but as I sit here swaying from side to side trying to recall them, I realise it’s time to sign off for now. 

Til next time. 

Just so tired!

The past couple of weeks now I have felt more and more lethargic in the mornings. Mentally and physically exhausted, and happy to just stay in bed all day of the opportunity were to present. My saving grace here is trying to build a routine for myself. At the moment I am off work sick, so part of my daily routine is missing, however I have managed quite well to substitute that section with cycling. Managing a good ride each day. 

In the morning I now find myself forcing myself to get out of bed, then making breakfast and a coffee, plonking myself in front of the TV and waking up slowly, before checking the weather and heading out for a ride. I have purposely scheduled my meds for 9am to make sure I am up and awake by that time, so no long lay ins. 

Once out on the bike I take it easy, and plod around, taking in the sights, keeping the brain busy, and getting some fresh air. But that seems to be my limit right now. Actually doing anything purposeful seems impossible at the moment. Focus is gone, attention span nowhere to be found, so trying to achieve anything which requires any of that is pointless and frustrating to try. 

I have said before about losing your flow mid sentence, we all do it, but I do it constantly at the moment, and it’s the same for my train of thought. A blessing and a curse all at once. 

I am due to increase my meds on Monday which will be interesting, and also give an indication of what is causing my lethargy. It could be the meds as numbing my mind has always been an effect of them, or it could be the break in routine that is throwing me into a spin. Either way, right now I will just go with the flow, as the anxiety levels are dropping, sleep is improving, and general state of mind is better. 

I can’t help but continue to feel that the meds are almost unnecessary, with anxiety levels having reached the point they did due to the speed at which work have dealt with the whole WFH issue. It still bothers me now, wondering what is going to happen, but alas there is still no answer on thay front. A full 10 days after I last spoke to work, not a single email to advise of what is going on. So still the cause of the spiral continues. I just don’t get it. Thinking about it makes me anxious, sad, confused and angry all at the same time. As I have said before even a “we need to pass this up the line, hold tight” would be something, but nope! 

With the meds increasing, the wait continuing and the anxiety hanging on in there, I think this is going to be a long journey. While I am happy to wait it out, I just hope it won’t be too long, as once I reach the point of questioning my own sanity, it becomes a whole different story, and depression starts to creep in fast. It’s a cycle for me, and one I would rather avoid. So hopefully I will hear back from work next week…. How many times have I said that now? 

I am pleased to say Covid has been and gone now, and I am starting a bounce back physically from that at least. So the cycling is playing a part in helping me at least feel I can recover quickly. An important message for me right now, assuring myself I can bounce back from this episode of anxiety quickly too. Last time around with Covid it lingered for a while, so it’s good to have shaken at least one monkey off my back. To be unable to get out on the bike right now would be crippling. 


Side note, I am sitting in the front room soaking up some morning sun, while watching the F1 while I write this. To write the above I had the sound on mute, as soon as I turned it back on, my ability to carry on writing dissolved. Focus, I just can’t! 

Anyway, it’s the weekend. Thanks for reading, and here’s to a better week for news next week. 

PS, I’m off my for my flu jab shortly, if that doesn’t knock me for six I will be surprised.