Tag: reset

I needed that!

Wow, not woken up feeling this refreshed in a long time, and there is a reason for that!

Half a day in bed! Asleep!

That’s right, almost 12 hours of sleep! From a person who generally struggles to sleep. So how did that happen. Well, let me explain.

Going to work on Tuesday evening Ann was not well, I had had a bad day before and slept quite badly, and on the night shift I didn’t get as much rest as I had hoped.

Coming home Wednesday morning Ann was still unwell so I said to her to stay in bed and I would avoid the germs. Usually I would stay up for a few hours after getting home, then get a couple of hours of rest. However yesterday I just stayed up all day. I went for a walk, watched some TV, but by 8pm I was struggling, so decided to call it a night.

Ann decided to take the sofa, so I jumped into bed.  Par for the course 4 hours later I woke up, midnight, great! A bit of sleep noise on, some relaxation exercises, and a little focus and I went back to sleep. Waking again at around 6am.

This time I was sure I was not getting back to sleep, so got up, had a wee, and got back in bed. To my surprise the next time I looked at the clock it was gone 9am! WTF! To say I was shocked is an understatement, but the bigger understatement would be to say I felt well rested. I would put it closer to reborn and revitalised! I genuinely can’t remember the last time I woke feeling quite so good.

Obviously capitalising on this I jumped straight on the trainer and did an hours ride lol. Looking out the windows though, a far bleaker picture. Grey, wet, cold, and very uninviting. That is not to say I am not going out, I of course am. But just a nice mellow walk rather than anything exciting I think. A bit of headspace, a bit of Calm and meditation, and more importantly some fresh air.

Right, time to do something productive with the day, and be positive minded. Another day off tomorrow then back to work, fresh and fighting fit. I GOT THIS!