Anxiety check in.

It has been a while since I have even considered my anxiety levels, so I thought I would have a sit down with them this morning before work and see how they are doing.

It turns out, surprisingly, with everything that is going on both in my life and my head, not to mention my body, things are actually looking good.

I’m sleeping relatively well, don’t find myself dwelling on things too much, unless it’s something  major, and in general my mind feels quite stable. Especially when looking back over recent years, even a year ago I was in a terrible place.

Now I am in a much higher pressured environment, fighting to learn as much as I can, perform the best I can, while still being able to function and do my job, yet I feel delightfully relaxed.

That’s not to say I don’t feel pressure from the job, of course I do, if I didn’t something would be wrong. However I am delighted to say I feel normal levels of stress and anxiety. Not crippling ones. A phrase I didn’t think I would be saying.

So this is what the stress and anxiety of normal life feels like eh? And to think some people feel that their life is a continual punishment with these meagre levels of stress. But I am not going to knock it, it is all relative and we can only react to what we know.

Some people see massive pressure from life as being totally normal, and I am sure some have looked at what I have been through and wondered what all the fuss was about. So I will take the grown up stance and say “it’s all relative”. If you don’t know any different, why would it not be the worst feeling ever.

OK, I will keep this short, but in general, I feel good. I feel a bit run down and have mouth ulcers, I am about to have massive dental work done, soon I won’t be able to eat solid food for ages, but on the plus side I am about to have some time off work at last. So it’s all good.

New year, new me…. Just around the corner.

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