Back to reality once again.

Over the past few days I guess its been fair to say that I have been a little distracted, for all the right or wrong reasons, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that now my brain is back on this planet, and its time to get back to my own life and goings on.
Things have been a little up in the air recently, some moments of uncertainty and indecision, all sorted on one single day which offered perfect clarity for almost all matters.
In one 24 hour period everything has settled and once again makes sense, unlike this blog entry so far I hear you say. I shall explain a bit.
Some decisions were being made about the short to mid-term arrangements in my life, with job offers flying around, things could have changed at home in a moments notice. This wasnt to be the case in the end.
At the same time, still talking about home, things reached a head with the L&Q situation, with me finally having enough and contacting them to say I WILL be seeking compensation for the way this whole bathroom issue has been handled, and how long it has dragged on for. Surprisingly I received an email straight back, and a call the following morning to say they were coming to start the rectification works (which so far now look great apart from them chipping the bath, small details)
Then there is the big one, my aunt. Having planned to call her carer yesterday evening, I was beaten to it, and instead received a call from her carer. ‘Nothing to worry about Michael’ started the conversation, always a worry to hear that ironically.
The next half an hour filled me in on the important issues,which all came together to mean one thing… Aunty Joan has had to go into a care home.
Her recent decline in health and mobility have caused problems for her around her house, and even with her primary carer Chris, and her appointed carer from an agency, they were not able to manage in the way that was needed. No disrespect to them, they have done a fantastic job to date, well Chris has anyway. So thank you Chris for all your hard work up until this point.
I know she feels disappointed and that she has let Joan down, but this isnt the case at all, if anything she has kept Joan going for far longer than anyone expected.

But with a couple of falls, and not being able to support her own weight, the decision was made that it was time for some proper around the clock care for Joan, which is a relief to all.
Sadly with this, Joan’s moral has taken a knock. After recent weeks of decline in health, ,she has now reached the stage mum got to, and is now wishing it would all just be over. As I said with mum, I will say again now. There is a fine line between wanting someone to live forever, and respecting that their quality of life drops beyond a point, and you can appreciate the wishes of a dying relative when they feel they have lost control of their once independent lives.

With this in mind I have decided it is time to pay a visit and maybe stay a few days up in Wales,and see what help, comfort and support I can offer to Joan and Chris at this time, and see that all is well with Joan. That she is happy and represented by a family member. Someone she can tell anything to, and if she is unhappy with anything, or wants anything that Chris cannot do (I doubt this is the case, but options are always good), then I will be there.
Of course I am not suggesting this is near the end, nor that I want it to be, but I just want to be close by to do what I can for a period of time at least.

So tomorrow I will probably head up to Wales at some point, and see what I can do, even if its just taking a TV to the nursing home, and setting things up so she can be comfortable in her home away from home. The plan here is respite and assessment, returning home is still an option here, so im open minded to how it will all work out.
Now to drop the bombshell on work, that after a weeks leave, I wont be back when planned. Im sure through the wonders of Facebook and blog stalking, some will already know about this before I make it official. Say what you will, I have my priorities and morals.

Right with all that said, I have to go an meet my niece so I can rebuild the OS on her Blackberry… kids !

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