For the first time since August I finally have some time off work. Training all done, bedded in a bit at work to get used to the shift patterns and actual role. Formed a bond with the watch and so on, now it is time to have a breather from it all and relax. Or you would think that would be the plan!
Instead today is my first day off for this period of leave, and instead of kicking back and enjoying a couple of weeks off, I am getting ready for a rather dramatic and traumatic time. Dental surgery!
I have touched on this before, but wanted to revisit it for this entry, as it is the primary thing on my mind right now, and taking up a lot of mental energy. Not in a bad way, I am not dreading the idea or over thinking it all, well not yet anyway. However it is in my thoughts, a lot especially over the past few days.
Once the surgery is done, things will change quite drastically for me, so I have to prepare myself for that too. Not just the day of the surgery and the physical trauma, but after that I will be unable (advised not to) eat solid foods for a long period of time, to allow things to heal properly. It isn’t like I have never gone without food before. Having done Lighter Life for 11 weeks of abstaining from solid food, I am aware of how it feels, and the challenges I faced.
However, after the festive period, I am also ready to drop a bit of weight, so this comes at an ideal time. Shakes and soups will be my intake for probably the next couple of weeks, if all goes well, I will try and maintain that intake and continue to lose a bit of weight.
Obviously I will also need to rest for a while, but am keen to get active as soon as possible, especially while I am off work, so I don’t go stir crazy and get cabin fever. That is NEVER good for the mind and mental state. So I need to find the right balance for mental and physical stability.
One thing I have noticed recently is that I sleep.. I can now do 8+ hours without too much of a struggle, but am mindful not to go too far and end up staying in bed all day, as lovely as it feels at times. The quality of the sleep has improved too and I can only put that down to feeling in a better place mentally recently.
That said, it could be to do with weight gain too, so I will be keeping an eye on both metrics over the coming weeks to see what affects what. I am NOT expecting to sleep well over the next few days after the surgery, however I am open minded about that, so lets see.
Right, I am off to write another blog on my other page, with some more info about the surgery. You can find it at
Bye for now, post-surgical blog to follow, tomorrow maybe.