Is there anybody there?
Early days, so I thought I better write a quick intro to the whole project. For years now I have tried to blog my thoughts on matters from a wide spectrum of topics. From my own struggles with mental health, to the troubles of the world. Somewhere along the way, certain aspects of my blog hit a chord with some, and some of the entries started making a difference to people. On realising this, I decided I would try and find a way to separate the two sides of the blog, and create something standalone, to focus on the important stuff that makes a difference.
So here we are. ... I have been known as "Snazy" on the internet for two decades now, so when the opportunity arose to secure the domain name and do something with it, I grabbed it. Welcome to
I decided that I would use this domain to focus on the mental health side of things , and leave the other for my normal day to day ramblings and rants. I could have done it the other way I guess, but would like to draw a line between the two sides of me, and make the most important part easier and cleaner to access.
I am open to suggestions on the appearance and content of the site, so please feel free to get in touch with any questions or ideas you might have.
As a footnote, I just want to say. On my main blog, even entries about mental health seem to attract abuse and unwanted attention. Somehow depression and anxiety, the two issues I suffer with, are fair game for personal attacks. Sad but true. If you do decide to make such a comment, please expect it to be ignored and deleted. On my main blog I leave them as they are, here is different.