Here we are again….

Day 2 of staying positive about things, and getting to grips with the challenges that lay ahead. So an update so far.

Today I heard from my solicitor regarding my case with my employer, to discuss figures, and get some further information to get the whole matter tied up and dealt with once and for all. Fingers crossed with the latest information, the whole matter will be closed and finished by the summer.

In other news….
I have today decided its time to rebuild bridges, and make new paths to follow, so have been reaching out in all directions to try and make amends for anything I know needs addressing. Debts, broken friendships, and other ignored or forgotten matters that really require some attention.
Part of the whole dealing with life thing I guess.

I have also started looking into funeral arrangements too. A little premature I know, but I want to make sure that all mums wishes are taken care of when the day arrives.

On a stranger note, just as a tag for the day, to remind me what was going on today. In world news a big story was that Shamu (one of the orca’s at Seaworld) killed a trainer last night. 3rd person.

Right thats me for now, might be back later with a round-up of how the day ended.

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