Just a quickie.

Was just about to hit the pillow for the night, when a thought struck me. The reason it struck me was because it’s late, I’m over tired and have eaten too much to settle properly.

That’s the point… In the recent spin I have been in and am still kinda in, I have been stressed about the DBS, because I am stressed I am stress eating. Because I am stress eating my fitness is suffering. Because my fitness is down (a tiny smidgen) I am stressed…… And so repeats the circle.

Damnit, it’s so easy to see, it’s so simple to stop, but alas round and round I go.

Things are beyond my control, and slowly I am accepting that, but still I go to the shops and buy rubbish. So I am writing this to make myself accountable. In two weeks I fly to Florida, I want to feel good, so I need to fix up soon.

On Monday that is it, I go clean again and focus on my mind and body. From tomorrow I start getting to bed at a reasonable time.

Right, time to go and pretend to sleep for a while, at least until my brain has had enough and shuts down for a few hours.

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