Whatever the case, know this… Quite frankly I don't care.
Don't ask me what has brought this entry on, I'm in a good mood, and positive too. Feeling good etc. In fact maybe that's it. For the first time in a long time I'm remembering who I am, and how well I get by regardless of the challenges facing me.
So yeah, let's go with that shall we. Finally I feel strong enough to look after No1, and that is without a doubt me.
A lot has happened, some pathetic outbursts by some people aimed at me. Trying to lose me my job, trying to make me as unstable as them, or just trying to be prize c**ts. Either way, whoever you are, and whatever your aim was… YOU FAILED! Probably not for the first times in your lives either, so I'm sure failure doesn't bother you too much. But at you I laugh.
So right now, the main thing is I LOVE ME! I respect myself and know what I can achieve if I put my mind to things. Thank you to those who stand by me, and who have remained at my side through thick and thin. I am eternally grateful to you and will forever be in your debt. Unlike the other group, these people are worth my time of day, and will always receive my utmost attention.
So like I said at the start, like, love, adore, hate, detest, dislike me, whatever the case, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. As arrogant as it might sound, I am who I am, and I like who I am. I won't be changing any time soon. So stick around, or move on.
Have a nice day 🙂 I'm gonna
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" Unlike the other group, these people are worth my time of day, and will always receive my utmost attention. "
I must have failed you given you stopped caring about catching up in person!