Tomorrow the curtain falls on 24 years of service with Fedex. The PC gets shut down and packed into a box to return to one of the depots. My ID badge gets tucked in there too, it’s already 3 years out of date, that’s how long its been since I visited one of the sites. And all my job aids get thrown in the bin, the journey with Fedex comes to and end.
This has been about 5 months in the making, and the clock has ticked down so slowly for most of it, but the last few weeks, everything has sped right up. Workload reduced to nothing, busy with job seeking and interviews etc, it is all a bit of a blur.
Given how things have panned out, with the takeover of another company, the vision for me, and many others was that any job losses would come from the other side. However it appears that we were completely wrong, and that the mass job cuts came from the purple side of the fence. Worse still, for the past few months all press releases from the company seem to paint a picture of a strong company, making moves etc.
A recent email sent out even went so far as to say there had been rumours of job losses, but reassured that this was not the case. I of course questioned this, and was met with a stone wall from HR, distracting and diverting me away from the issue. Frustrated but not wanting to put any more energy into the matter (it is what it is), I left it at that. But with everything else going on that could have annoyed or upset me, I think is the one thing that left a bad taste.
No mention in the numerous news letters, just fanfare about new hires, investments, and how well the merge is going. To be made redundant is one thing, but to have the whole thing done on the hush hush is what really bites.
Now I don’t want you to think this is a deep rooted gripe, or something that is really getting to me. At the end of the day I have been paid out nicely, treated fairly, and have been pretty much set on a new path, so I am not complaining. This is just an observation on the whole matter. I find it incredible that hundreds of long serving staff can be let go, without so much as a thank you or recognition from the top. If the company is doing so well, at least show some appreciation to the people who helped get you there. No?
Right, enough of that shit. Back to what I opened the laptop for.
The next couple of weeks see big changes for me. The finalisation of the new role (I hope), and a big increase in my bank balance. But somewhere in that time there is a discussion for me to have with myself, an internal conversation. You see there are some issues eating away at me, and some matters I would like to put to bed behind the final curtain. Some opinions, some truths, some things I need to say and get off my chest.
Anyone who knows me at all will know I am not one to bite my tongue for long, so it may surprise some to learn that I have been doing just that for a long time now. I need to purge it all from my mind, and set myself free from these matters. Set the record straight, and be honest with people. Tell people some cold hard truths.
A recent blog mentioned one such person, and the reaction was exactly as I expected. A tantrum, a complaint, and an attempt to spread rumours about me. Bless them, when you have nothing to give, take a cheap shot.
Over the weekend I shall put some thought into the whole idea of a tell all. Maybe write some bits and see if I can be bothered to do it. As I write this the idea is losing its edge, so we shall see.
Til then, there is one more shift to sign in for, and I really feel I need to keep karma on my side.