Week 2 begins.

Gonna be a short and sweet entry this one, as I need some sleep.

Early start today, trying to put a new routine in place. Well a temp new routine as my hours change for a couple of weeks in two weeks time. At the same time I go onto watch for a couple of weeks, the schools to back too. Great timing!

For now the plan is to get to work early, around 6am, get some physical activities in, then grab breakfast and do some revision. I still have some ice to break to work out the inner workings of the building. With food storage being quite organised, I have to find out what I can keep and where.

On top of that, a locker would be handy too, which is coming, but for now I can use my car to put dirty running or gym clothes in, so not the end of the world.

Today I got in for about 6.30, got changed and went for a 5k run. Nice easy one, discovering the new area, nice to tread new roads. Then back to the LOC and jumped in the showers, before heading up for a coffee and some book time.

Right, lots more to tell but that’s for another day. Now I need sleep ready for another early start. Gym tomorrow! 💪

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